So I (26M) met this girl (24F), two months ago on Bumble. At first we were seeing each other pretty often, close to two times a week, but now we’re lucky to see each other every 10 days and every time I try to plan ahead she is always busy.

She went from initiating text convos and some dates to zero. I initiate every date and every text.

From one date to the next she could kiss me with passion and the other I only get a kiss that is cut short, and basically feels forced.

I asked her if she had other stuff going on that made her emotionally unavailable and so on… And she got mad.
I felt that she wanted to end it but didn’t have the courage, so I offered it, and she was offended “that I didn’t care enough”.

Saying she felt attacked, saying that she is making an effort to see me and she is hurt that it’s not enough, that I’m the only guy she sees (I doubt that we’re not exclusive)….

And I honestly can’t get anything out of her, I told her that it’s usually around the two months mark that I decide to commit or not, and I asked her about her thoughts, she told me she prefers to go with the flow.

Am I being crazy ? I’m thinking that if she wasn’t interested anymore she would just cut it off, because this is what I would’ve done. But I find her behavior to be weird honestly.

She is quite mad right now and I’m thinking about stopping here.

  1. I’d stop here. You’re putting way more energy into this than she is, and when you mentioned that, she got angry.

    I mean, you said you give it 2 months, and your gut, it sounds to me honestly, you wanna give it up. But what’s holding you back? Obviously there’s something you like about this girl

    Maybe hang on but go less with what you put in, see if it fizzles on its own. Put the ball in her court, let her message you this time. Don’t reach out until she does. See what she does.

  2. You’re not crazy, but if she really liked you she’d make more of an effort. She also doesn’t seem like she can handle difficult conversations which is a red flag in my book. Move on, man.

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