I need some advice please! I don’t know if this fits in this reddit or if I could have handled things differently, but i as a 23 year old male posted in here a day or two ago under my main account, and I deleted my post cause the guy went to my account to specifically look for another post of mine read it got pissed off at me. Thought I was insulting him and airing out our problems publicly even though nobody knows who he is at all on here, then proceeded to tell me he watches ALL my social media accounts so he can see if I’m talking shit about him, and that if he catches me doing it again he will destroy my reputation everywhere ruining my hobby I have. Is there something I could have done? Like at all? I’m low-key, afraid and terrified he will find this as well. From what I understand, he gets his friends to watch my profiles as well. Is this narcissistic to? Why in the world would my friend Corey do this? There’s not much you can do with a first name and no face to go with it.

1 comment
  1. This is a bad person. They have good reason to threaten you. He knows how horrible he is, but doesn’t want anyone else to know. Cut this person permanently out of your life. No contact ever again. I would refrain publicly shaming anyone. That’s my personal choice, I respect whatever you choose. Unfortunately, my guess is you are no match for this person in a game of pigeon chess

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