So background, I (27 M) haven’t had a real relationship yet or he’ll even kissed a girl, let alone had sex.
I was recently trying to get back out there and started going out a bit with one of my coworkers (28 F) both alone and occasionally some of our shared friends. Initially I felt like we were getting close and wanted to ask her out on an official date, but during a conversation it came out very obvious that I was a virgin, and she was more experienced to say the least. After that day I feel like she’s become more distant and I can’t find anything else I could have done wrong or different when we hung out that would have pushed her away. I keep trying to talk her into spending more time together as usual but she dodging any plan I try to put forward. I feel wierd directly asking her because we still have to see each other at work, but is not having a sexual history at my age really that much of a red flag or was possibly something else I’m not seeing?

  1. People lose their virginity at all different ages bro. If it’s because of religious reasons then that’s one thing, or if you’ve been withholding because you want to share that with your wife that’s another, but if you’ve been consistently trying for a long time and haven’t gotten anything that’s a big red flag. Most women nowadays will probably see it as a red flag one way or another. If you really just wanna lose it, just lie about it next time I guess. Don’t over exaggerate it, but say something reasonable for your age and don’t talk too much more about it.

  2. Unfortunately, some women are this superficial. I know it sucks, but consider it a favor – who knows what other small “problems” would she be able to find? Or in what other areas she wants her partner to be “ready made” rather than put in a bit of effort?

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