Hello people of reddit, Can someone give me an insight in my scenario?

Hi this is the first time I fell for someone so I’m not good at navigating relationships. There was this girl I met in the office, we became good friends and started talking a lot because of our shared interests. I spoke to her a lot. I was also direct about my feelings with her, I told her I wanted to go out with her and we should try being more than friends. She rejected me because she has eyes or heart for another co-worker of ours, she wanted us to be just friends and nothing more than that. I told her politely no, and gave her a counter offer and she said we could try.

I gave everything to make her happy and I supported her everyday. I worked hard providing what she needed and providing food, medicine and therapy because she was sick I also supported her photography and printing business I texted her good mornings, I told her how beautiful she was when we go out to eat, I accompanied her everytime I she bought books and glasses. One day I found out that she blocked me. One of our close friends also showed me a photo with her and another boy shopping but she said that was only her friend. I also told her why she blocked me, she said she will unblock me soon. Needless to say it’s been a month now and I’m still blocked.

One day, I also found out that she was just throwing the things I gave her away in the trash and been saying things that she doesn’t want any of these things to our co-workers, she threw chocolates, starbuck’s coffees, as well as the food I’m giving her because she has acidity. I also confronted this to her and she didn’t speak a word she treated me like a shadow in the hallway.

She also wanted us to convene through love letters. I wrote poems endlessly for her and bought her apples ans shortcakes so she wouldn’t try to fight over it in the cafeteria. This day I found out that she used the love letters to report me to HR for unwanted advances. When I asked her why, she said she said she doesn’t like me giving anything or doing anything for her.

She also told the HR that this is her last resort and painted me like an evil villain in her reports and stories. She even told them that I was the reason why she has been taking wellness sessions with a psychiatrist when that was not the case because I’m doing everything I could to make her happy but she was taking this things like I had an ulterior motive I begged for her to tell me why she is doing this but she never said a word. Needless to say I was mad because of this and I resigned, I told her that no matter what I do for you, you’re treating the person who loves you like shit and said my goodbyes after giving her the poetry book and the short fairy tale I made for her.

Our friends say that I should just let her be because she likes the other person than me. Then she asked me if we can just be friends For the last time I told her that I wouldn’t settle for friendship since I’d be hurt seeing her falling in love or dating another man than me and by heart would shatter if I saw that. Lastly I told her to message me on Facebook if she ever changes her mind. I know I have given her everything I had. I’ve been there for her everytime she needed me and I loved her fully.

I’m hurt and crying everyday I do not know what to do. I love her, she’s my first and true love she wasn’t like this before. I’m not asking for anything in return. Why did she do these things to me when all I ever did was show her kindness Please someone help me How do I fix this. The fact is slowly creeping in that I will never hear from her again and my heart can’t take that as well but I wouldn’t settle for anything less.

  1. I’m kind of hoping this is a spoof but in the off-chance it isn’t. She does not like you or want to go out with you. You’re not taking “no” for an answer. This makes you a stalker and a pest at best. At worst, you’re suffering delusions and might need medical help yourself.

    When someone says no, you must accept that. Negating their wishes is a cancellation of their rights as a human and says strongly that you don’t care at all about her as a person, only about what you want.

  2. I’ve submitted your post to strongsuccessfulmale on youtube and you should be on the lookout for it.

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