All electronics are fried globally. Now, it’s time for you to start doing things manually again with composite tools. Would you be able to grow old, possibly have a family (or adopt one), and die in your sleep outside of conflict?

  1. I think about half the world’s population would die of famine after the collapse of the factory farming industry and the world’s logistics network due to lack of electrical power.

  2. I know how to hunt and fish a bit, I can till and plant by hand and even have the books to re-up on what to do when. I can make things with hand tools to some extent.

    But realistically with this population size and how integral electronics are it would be an absolute disaster and I don’t give myself a good chance of surviving the chaotic first years.

    Doesn’t even take conflict, there will be a lot of starvation and disease early on. Doesn’t matter if you can plant when you don’t have food for this month. Doesn’t matter if you can hunt, fish or forage early on while so many people are trying to strip the same area. Population centers and everything nearby are fucked.

  3. I’m capable of growing or hunting for enough food to sustain myself, but lack of top medical care and prescription drugs would shorten my lifespan significantly once my bad heart catches up to me.

  4. I’m going to start a cannibal warband. We all know that it’s only a matter of time until the murder and cannibalism starts. Might as well establish myself while the rest of the population still hopes for a miracle.

  5. I’m a upper leg amputee and I use a knee that has a battery. I have a small solar charger that can charge the batteries and my leg.

    but that idea is nonsense. I’d be a drag and likely not able to keep up with the emergency migration and something would eat me or take me out. life is short and I got bonus time. not worried.

  6. Not for long. I have some fishing gear stashed somewhere around the house, but I don’t know how to fish properly since I just did it a couple times as a kid with my late grandfather. I live in a huge city so I’d need to go quite far with my bike to then find somewhere clean enough with edible fish. Since I’m in a huge city full with people and full of crime, people would be a bigger problem than anything else, so even my fighting skills wouldn’t be enough to protect me.

  7. With the fall of society, surely it would be pot luck, even for those with skills. Different locations would have different challenges. I’m in the UK; we’re a small island with a lot of people to sustain. A lot of that populace would have to die off before it became anywhere near safe, let alone start re-building a sustainable life.

  8. I could survive without electricity.

    Will I die in my sleep? Probably not.

    I’ll probably die trying to field dress an animal for food and not able to because I’m squeamish af. I’ll puke a bunch. Become dehydrated. Drink water. Attempt to eat something and become a vegetarian. Die because I don’t like a lot of veggies.

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