I know, it’s kinda special, but maybe one of you can help me. Here is what happened: I have an a-typical autism spectrum disorder (most of the time social, high IQ, with a disability). Every year I have approx. 2months of being completely absent from work, university and other important stuff like responding to emails and phone. There are some bits of these problems during the time, where I’m ok. But these long no-contact phases are ruining my life. I lost health insurance for some time or have to pay a lot of reminder fees after that phases, because I couldn’t open or read the letters. I see the sentences, but my head can’t make sense to it (seems like dissociation, but its not). Now with my disability I officially have an assistant coming to my house since 2 months. We opened letters, read emails together and that was the point, where I completely fell apart and didn’t made it to my office. My chef knows everything about it (he was my neurologists and friend), but he is very pissed, that he couldn’t get emails back. He is also sad, because we actually have this friendship and he really wants to help me. But it seems that he doesn’t want to lose me. I was at home, mostly staring into the absyss, having cramps on the head and neck and occationally went to see friends, who would make an effort to see me and tried to comfort me. With the work with my assistant I got out of the big problems and my heads getting clearer. Here is where I need help: I plan to go to work next monday and I don’t know how to explain, apologize or react, if being asked. How would you do it? I also plan to reach a higher disability level, so that my company gets compensation from the government. And additional to that, my assistant and I are going to plan a system to prevent this.

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