My boyfriend (29m) works I get is he’s tired. But I 29 female was putting together, A dresser. I broke my nail doing it and burned myself on the power tool and he saw me get hurt twice. … and didn’t offer to help. Then after made a joke im the man of the house. I’m very turned off. He kept playing on his phone not even bothered. We live together and been together 9 months. We split bills, I do all the housework and he pays for dates. I’m losing attraction and feeling like I’m the masculine one.

TL DR my bf doesn’t help me much even when he sees me getting hurt or struggling. What can I do to improve this. Or is it hopeless.

  1. Instead of doing everything and expecting him to get involved automatically, ask him to do very specific tasks. “Can you help me put the dresser together.” “Can you do the dishes today.” Ect. Some people never take initiative on things they don’t/won’t enjoy. My husband is like that. I just ask and typically he will do it (usually on his time). If your boyfriend doesn’t respond well to you asking then maybe it’s time to reevaluate the relationship.

  2. Nothing less attractive than a guy who isn’t a decent partner.

    Time to not live together. He will only get lazier.

  3. Why do you do all the housework?

    This bullshit makes me crazy. You are literally choosing to be taken advantage of. And by a guy who apparently doesn’t give a shit about you.

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