It’s been quite some time. The last girl I dated was when I was 24, but the last serious relationship I had was at 22. I went to college after that and had no luck. Then I became a career-aholic around the pandemic time and it completely screwed up my dating trajectory.

It’s been so long, I wrestle with the idea of a relationship. Iv adapted to being alone, but at the same time I crave companionship. I want to be with someone but be independent at the same time.

I feel pressure on these dating apps that things have to go well. The last time I used an app the girl I matched with was a maniac and was extremely aggressive when I told her I was not interested in pursuing things further.

I’m looking for advice on how to move forward and feel comfortable with dating again.

1 comment
  1. As someone (33M) who had a long pause as well from the dating scene and had to restart post 30 too, I will say honestly you just have to keep it up, and keep trying like it or not its gonna be a bit hard at first, it’s awkward sometimes, other times you think things will work out and nothing happens, somedays you feel depressed about it, cause you really want things to change, and at least in my experience sometimes with life and everything you forget about it, so you have to remind you that you want this to happen constantly, so yeah keep it up the good thing about dating this age is that you know what you want and what you are looking for so while the process can take some time and grind you will be able to appreciate when a real opportunity comes around.

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