Does it depends on him , his education… ? Or does it depends more on the vibe the woman give to him ?

  1. He wants to?

    I personally don’t gift dying plants to anyone. I might do chocolates but I’d have to have some reason to do that.

  2. Because he is growing some and she expressed an interest in potted plants.

    Or maybe if they’re edible flowers of some sort? Chamomile for tea? Probably also because she expressed an interest.

    Why else?

  3. She’s my mother and it’s mothers day. I’m not buying a woman flowers unless I know she specifically is really into flowers, that’s corny as hell imo.

  4. Depends on the occasion and if not an occasion just your relationship with the person. They are a personal gift that works as a friendly gesture to a romantic one depending on the situation.

    Again depends on the person and their relationship buy is a nice gesture, way to cheer them up if they are down, a thank you for dinner or just as a nice surprise.

  5. she asked me to awhile back lmao and i said ok but not right now, im gonna surprise you at some point

  6. A couple of times a year, I drive to my local dump with construction waste or doing clean-ups for clients.

    On my way home I pass a flower wholesaler who has a small retail shop. If I have time, on my way through, I will often stop and buy flowers for my wife. I prefer random “I was thinking of you” gifts to “it is this day on the calendar” flowers.

  7. I bought flowers for my wife today, because she likes flowers and they brighten up the house.

  8. Because she likes them. Giving her something she likes makes her happy. Things go much more smoothly if she’s happy.

  9. I was at the shop, saw flowers, remembered my wife likes flowers. I bought her the flowers.

  10. For me it’d be to keep things interesting. Random intervals. Maybe one flower maybe a bouqet. Maybe chocolates, sometimes nothing. Keep shit interesting. Not mundane yk. But I have the urge to go around public randomly giving flowers to strangers for no reason. Idk why. Ig im cringe.

  11. I don’t like giving my girlfriend something that dies in a few days but I do like getting her shoes and clothes tho

  12. Wow what is with all the dead plants comments on this thread? Flowers are pretty, some people – men and women – like them and people give it to them on special occasions. I get a ton from everyone on my birthday. I also get them randomly sometimes tbh. I’ll be having a tough day and my SO or my friends will send me flowers. Nothing wrong with that. Makes me feel great. The flowers brighten up the place.

  13. I buy flowers when I appreciate a person and because I like flowers myself. I don’t need a special date or reason.

    Now if I buy them and find out she doesn’t like flowers, ngl that’s gonna kill my attraction to her.

  14. I don’t from any kind of internal drive. I’ll do it anyway if I know it’s a big thing for her but I don’t understand the appeal and it’s not something I’m ever going to be all giddy to do.

  15. Used to do it weekly for my wife until she told me that, while nice, she thought it was a waste of money…

  16. Guilt…having forgotten important event anniversaries, having had improper thoughts about other women( notice the plural there), not taking out the garbage, existing and breathing the air in the vicinity of a female, etc, etc, etc. /s.

  17. It depends on the man specifically. For me, it’s just vibe I’m feeling for her, along with knowing it’d be something she’d like. I don’t want to feel forced to do anything like that in a token way, but if I’m feeling a good vibe about the relationship, I might do *something* even if it’s just a nice little love note. But yeah, I would hope there’s communication on these kinds of things, along with a willingness for the woman to do the same kind of things back for what I like.

  18. Holidays, wanting to say thank you for something, cheering her up, just feeling like being generous. It depends on a lot of variables.

    Some people don’t offer flowers and prefer to offer chocolates or whatever the woman in particular really likes (clothes, figurines, books etc).

    For some people, giving present is not really in their nature or in their culture, they prefer giving services (offering massages, doing their chores etc), others prefer being physically affectionate (cuddles, hugs, kisses).

    Love can be manifested in a lot a ways that are not necessarily buying flowers.

  19. She says she would like them. Otherwise I’ll only get them on occasions like anniversaries and valentine’s day. I don’t really get what the big deal about flowers is, you can’t use them for anything, they just die in a couple of days and why the heck are they so expensive to get? But I guess if I knew that my gf really likes them it would make me want to buy them anyway.

  20. Wife likes flowers, flowers make her happy, happy wife is always a positive… I see this as the positive flower feedback loop

  21. If I like the woman, and I think it would make her happy if I give her flowers, then I give her flowers. It’s not some big mystery.

  22. Honestly? I never even though about it, but now that you ask… I think in one word… Respect… I would buy her flowers, out of few other reasons of course, but the main one would be respect.

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