I’ve had Instagram for many years but never really posted and have only used it to see what other people are up to. I have a good base of mutual followers from various parts of my life. Yet, I’ve thought for a while that it was weird that I didn’t post and it just made me seem not as personable. I feel like since people can’t tell what my vibe is through social media, they don’t engage with me that often in person. In fact, the only people that really approach me have something to go off of, for example when I was shopping for a poster and a girl complimented my music taste. I think I’m pretty personable to people that know me but I don’t know how to convey that on Instagram. I’m very scared of what people would think about me just starting to post, and I’m also worried about isolating parts of people who follow me and who will think what I post is stupid.

1 comment
  1. If you don’t feel a need to post something specific, then you shouldn’t do it. Being just a lurker is not a bad thing, you aren’t obliged to post. If you want to show you interests though, then simply do it, there isn’t much we can tell you about this one; you have to figure out for yourself, how to adequately convey that. Generally speaking, if you start any form of online presence, people will always have their opinions on you. I say stick to what you enjoy, pay attention to like-minded people and ignore the haters. And don’t try to please everyone, it’s not worth it.

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