What are your intentions (if any) when you compliment a woman on her looks?

  1. To convey an appreciation for the way that she looks. Whether it’s only that, or related to romantic attraction depends on the individual woman.

  2. I’m happily married, so it’s just to boost her self esteem.

    I do the same thing with nudes on Reddit.

  3. I’m trying to make the world a bit better than it is. Not to sound grandouse because this is honestly just a “treat people how you wanted to be treated” slash “be the change you want to see” situation.

    I don’t like that people think that every time a man compliments a woman it’s because they have “intentions” behind it. So I try to be a man that compliments women without intentions behind it.

  4. In my single days? All I’d want is a convo just to see if we’d vibe. A way to break the ice

  5. Unless I’m fucking her I don’t give a woman free attention. All this free attention is one of the major contributing factors to hoeflation.

  6. I like the way they look and wanted them to feel good about themselves? No deeper reason.

  7. I’ve complimented a women on her look, not her looks. If she’s styling in a serious way with an ensemble that is *put together*, I will say that she looks amazing, and my wife might chime in too. Even if it’s her coat, her boots, something that looks great on her, I appreciate the care she took and want to share my gratitude.

  8. I save commenting on a woman’s looks for i’m interested in her.

    I’ll find something else to comment on if i’m not.

  9. Ive made it a point to NEVER compliment them. you have no idea how they are going to take it and its just not worth the headache of the possibility of offending them.

    Best to just stay to yourself.

  10. I’am trying to sweet talk my wife. I generally compliment less with words and more with physicality. Hands on hips(and other places). So when I am verbalizing it my wife knows she looks amazing or I’am super horny.

    Or I am trying to hype my friend up before she goes on a date.

  11. Like all compliments given to women, they are given in an attempt to bury our respective cocks in their faces

  12. Same as if I mentioned a beautiful sunset – acknowledging beauty when I see it. Nothing more.

  13. I’ll put it this way, if I am dating you I am expressing a sincere sort of wow feeling for how beautiful I find you to be, if we aren’t dating I either noticed you have put effort which I thought succeeded or I meant it simply as a compliment without any additional layers.

    I honestly don’t think I’ve ever complimented a woman in a way that might communicate the former without it being overtly clear (like we are on a date or we have been fucking) I was very romantically interested. So if I compliment a woman at in public who I don’t have that established connection with there is basically a 100% chance I meant the latter not the former.

  14. The days of complimenting women on their looks are OVER. The only exception is if you’ve known her for awhile, and it’s something specific (she’s wearing something new, changed her hair, etc.). For me, I have no intentions aside from making another person feel good about themselves.

  15. If I like them, I’m trying to flirt.

    If I don’t like them, I’m trying to be nice.

  16. Honestly I only do this when I’ve gotten talking to a woman and I think she’s interested in me.

    Also women I’m already in a relationship of some sort with (wife freinds etc).

  17. I’m too busy to meet random people, so when I see women they are generally my co-workers.

    If I compliment one it is to let her know that what ever she did that day was nice looking.

  18. To make her feel good about herself. I avoid commenting things that could be taken as sexual and just compliment things like her hair, smile, or maybe her clothing if she looks nice. I have never complimented a woman with the intention of getting her in bed.

    However I’ll admit I’m always worried I’ll slip up and my intentions will be misunderstood

  19. I think the only time I’ve complimented a woman’s appearance is with a family member or long time friend where the intention is 100% clear. Too much of a minefield otherwise. I really couldn’t blame a lady for feeling uncomfortable at the possible implication, considering she’s not in my head. Maybe in the context of something super obvious, like if they made a dramatic change in appearance and might be looking for reinforcement. To act like nothing has changed in that circumstance might come off as callous.

  20. Really depends on who the woman is. It could be anything from just wanting to make them feel good momentarily to an act of flirting.

  21. I want to see someone who looks good feel appreciated.

    I’m probably not a good example though because I haven’t been interested for years. Guys who are still in the game are probably better examples.

  22. Compliments make me feel good. Compliments make many other people feel good.

    Give compliment, make friend/acquaintance/coworker/relative/partner/lover feel good.


    Or did you specifically mean telling a woman that she’s sexy or beautiful, rather than something more specific, like noticing her new haircut and telling her that it looks nice?

  23. If it’s a woman I’m not interested in, I’d make a compliment about her outfit or something interesting about her outfit or looks. I just do it to express my amazement.

    If it’s a girl I’m interested in, I wouldn’t compliment her because I have no idea how things will turn out.

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