What small acts of kindness around the house would make your day if a partner did them?

  1. Makes a cup of coffee in the AM for us to sit together.
    Especially this time of year when we can watch the sunrise together without getting up too early.

    Edit: not a woman

  2. Not a woman, but look for things that your partner does and try to accomplish them before she gets home from work. Free up her evening.

  3. Just noticing things that need to be cleaned and clean them.


    So often, my husband will ask what I need him to clean on his days off, but I wish he would just go into a room, see the mess, and decide to clean it without needing instructions.


    However, I will say that a few days while he was unemployed, I came home and the bed was made. This was an amazing treat. In 10 years, my bed has never been made because I leave for work before he wakes up. I honestly didn’t even realize how amazing a made bed feels to get into at night.

  4. Came home to dinner being made today without any prompt. Made me really happy as I’d had a long day at work and he’d had a busy day at uni

  5. Oh man, my partner is amazing. He gets up first and makes coffee. Puts the drivers seat to my position when he’s done driving, doesn’t leave anything lying around the house, he unloads the dishwasher practically daily. He makes sure our critters are cared for when I’m at work. He buys me bath bombs, and scrubs the tub so I can have a nice soak. He tracks the finances and bills, all I have to do is make sure I transfer my share when I get paid.

    Honestly, best partner ever, he couldn’t possibly do more.

  6. Making me a cup of tea, making the bed, making dinner, all things I love when my partner does

  7. Identify the tasks that need to be done and do them. Carry some of the mental load! Ahhhhhhhhg!

  8. My husband deep cleaned the bathroom and did all the dishes all weekend. I’m 3 weeks from my due date so not having to do any dishes at all was so nice.

  9. When he cleans dishes, puts my cup in the dishwasher to instead of leaving it sitting out, it’s the only thing left out.
    Do not cut your nails wherever and leave them there (barf) .
    Random hugs. Gas up the vehicle.

  10. My ex used to make me coffee every morning while I was still asleep. It was absolutely grand 😊

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