Long story short, my best friend is going through a break up with her ex- they’re seeing each other on and off. It’s super complicated but the main take always are that he’s punched and kicked holes in walls, they get in screaming drunk fights, and last night reached a new length when he told her he had sex with someone else and she tried to kill herself (she was drunk and is okay now). I’ve been so supportive up until this point, I’ve disagreed with her going back to see him but I don’t cast judgment and understand it is only ever going to be up to her to figure out. but, that was too much for me – my current roommate tried to kill himself last week (also drunk, don’t know if he’s okay), and I’m just overwhelmed and sad that I’m surrounded by this stuff. I’m truly concerned for myself.

Anyway, we’re supposed to live together. Today I told her if this continues I won’t be comfortable living with her, I don’t want him in my home if he’s prone to getting violent and she’s prone to react in such ways. I also don’t want to move into a negative living situation if I can help it!

She was texting him while we were talking! And he later texted me saying I need to stay out of it and let them figure it out. I feel like I might’ve pushed her away and did the wrong thing but I truly cannot be around this- I’m moving out of my current situation because of dysfunctional behavior. I don’t know how to move forward, she told me she’s mad at me which is fair but also unfair because I’m allowed to feel like this? Idk I feel awful and I need help navigating through it.

1 comment
  1. I think you have issues with surrounding yourself with broken and suffering people, and then get manipulated by them into you tacitly endorsing their selfish and childish behavior.

    Basically I think you’re kind of an enabler and if you suffer because you disrespect your own boundaries, I will have no sympathy for you.

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