Wedding / divorce advice

My father just got diagnosed with GBM a few days ago.

I got married when I was 19 years old, I am now 29, I haven’t seen or heard from my “husband” in years. I was never in the best financial state and couldn’t afford a attorney for a divorce.

I have been in a relationship with my now fiancé for 6 years, we are engaged but our wedding was set for next year, now with my dads diagnoses, we are wanting him to walk me down the isle in our backyard and do a small ceremony just so he can be there as his prognosis is not the best.

Any advice? I obviously know I can’t legally get married to him while being married to someone else, but what do I do. I heard I can do a religious ceremony?

  1. First I’m so sorry about your dad. Secondly I would try to get a divorce asap from your first husband. You have no idea where he is?

    If you can’t do that and your father’s health is worsening I would hold a small ceremony in which he is able to walk you down the aisle although it won’t be legal. It seems like this is important to both you and him so I would find a way to make it happen if at all possible but you definitely need to work on getting a legal divorce from your first husband.

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