Mixing up the typical r/marriage topic trend here. In honor of October spooky season, ill share one story that happened our first year of marriage. We were traveling to see family near Appalachia mountains and we crested a hill while driving and saw your typical shimmering round hubcap style flying saucer over the mountain. Got my wife’s attention to make sure i wasn’t seeing something different. She confirmed the object. Sunlight was glaring off the metal surface.

There was another hill coming up that would get us a better look. As we decent down the road we lost vision of it for a second. Then as we came up the second hill it was gone. I work in marketing and have used drones commercially for videography. It looks nothing like any drone I’ve seen. To this day I don’t know what it was. But this is a story my wife likes to share during spooky season when people bring up strange encounters.

  1. My wife always said her family was cursed and bad things happen to her family constantly. For example her grandparents died in a plane crash, her house has been hit by a tornado and burnt down by a fire, many other things. Well anyway right after we got married on our honeymoon I contacted a virus that left me with pericarditis and myocarditis and in really bad health for months, was on bed rest for a month.

  2. It was when my husband was my BF. I lived in a shared house and BF stayed over with me lots, so he was present for a lot of the stuff including these two instances.

    We had a presence in the house who didn’t like our music and would turn it off. We had all been blaming each other for turning each others music off for months before we figured out it was something else. It normally wasn’t a big occurrence, but you would start music playing and often the music would just get turned off either on the device playing the music or at the wall where the plug socket was.

    One time in December the household was having a Christmas dinner before we all went home to our parents houses for Christmas. The whole house was sitting down and the CD playing Christmas Carols got turned off at the plug socket at the wall. One minute it was playing the next – click, off with our music. Everyone was sitting down, we were all in sight of each other and the plug was behind some furniture and not easily reachable. We knew it was the thing that didn’t like our music. We had our “proof” it wasn’t one of us messing with the others.

    Another time we were having a party in the house with a group of people, maybe up to 20? We were drinking and playing music and suddenly the speaker that was fixed up high on one wall gets ripped off the wall to go sailing across the room and lands on the other side of the room. Everyone stops and looks in shock until we figure out what happened – as the music suddenly stopped and a big bang. Some saw the speaker fly, others just turned when the bang of it landing alerted them. The whole party stopped and we were sheepishly explaining to a room of people “er…well, you see there is this thing in the house…and, well…it doesn’t like music….so..” That was the most dramatic thing that happened.

  3. Not spooky but we were in an avalanche while on vacation for our anniversary and we almost died lol. Our rental car was completely buried and we ran for our lives.

  4. Every now and then my wife calls me or I call her and it does not ring, we are just connected and on the the line.

  5. My wife and I still hear our dead dog around the house sometimes but it’s probably because we miss him so much. He (our dog) hated storms and loud weather and we especially sense him at night when the weather is bad.

  6. My husband and I are on the same frequency. We will say something the other was about to say or more often, my husband will randomly start humming or singing a song I was thinking about. It’s really weird. 🙂

  7. My husband and I were driving at night during a month long road trip. I forget exactly where we were (somewhere in Oregon), but our gps directed us to go through a forest for a portion of the drive. Of course, upon entering the forest we lose reception. The forest itself was super creepy looking with twig like trees on one side and then super dense forest on the other side. It was also very early in the morning (around 2-3am). At one point we noticed that our gps’s guess at our arrival time to our destination increased along with each minute we drove. We chalked it up to not having service and the gpa being confused. We ended up driving through this forest for a few hours, never seeing another car going either direction. We finally popped out on the other side as the sun was rising but our anticipated arrival to our destination was now several hours later than when we first entered the forest. So we essentially drove for four hours in the appropriate direction but it was as if we hadn’t. Thinking about it now, it seems confusing, but at the time it felt like we had been trapped in some sort of paranormal time sink or something.

  8. We live in an old home and whenever we make some serious changes the house acts up. Together we’ve experienced footsteps, the cameras glitching and telling us person detected with no one present. We’ve seen shadows and smelled faint cigarette and cigar smoke. I was home alone painting once and something knocked everything off the top of the fridge.

    My husband named the ghosts Gertie and Dick.

  9. Once off the coast of Northern California my husband and I saw a female whale and her calf swimming so close to the shore that we saw the whale look right at us! So cool.

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