As the title says, wha are your grooming habits? have they changed over the years or have been a game changer?

Game changer for me was to use a wife women’s disposable razor for my face smooth shave.

Daily – shower, shave my face, trim / inspect eyebrows, ears, nose, brush teeth.

Weekly / BiWeekly – trim with trimmer my arm pit hair, chest hair, neck line ( if I don’t trim with my face razor) trim / shave shaft and balls. Finger and toe nails trimmed.

Monthly hair cut.

  1. Daily: shower, shave cheeks and neck, apply benzac, clean ears and brush teeth.

    Weekly: trim nails.

    I let my body hair do it’s thing. I’m in my forties and if an intimate partner can’t handle some shoulder/chest hair and a healthy patch of pubes then that’s on them.

  2. I’ve never even thought about this in a scheduled basis. I just keep stuff in check and look after myself in an ongoing basis. Haircuts are maybe the only thing that goes longer than should between, and sometimes gets to 10 weeks between appointments, and that’s because I’ve put misplace trust in too many hairdressers over the years so now it’s a long trip to get to one I’ve found which I trust.

  3. Personally I think the shaving anecdote is kinda funny. I’m a woman and consistently buy men’s razors because I think they work much better and are much less expensive!

  4. > Game changer for me was to use a wife women’s **disposable razor** for my face smooth shave.

    Why not buy a non-disposable safety razor and Dorco blades pack and get the same or probably much better shave (I never nick myself now and used to all the time) but save money, shopping time/hassle, the environment and hold a slightly more pleasant object in your hand? I see the razors on Amazon/Ebay can be as low as ~$7 and the blades about 6¢.

    I used disposables for many years and wish I had made the switch sooner.

  5. Weekly I trim nose hairs, check for a unibrow, and have my wife clean up any back of neck hair.

    Haircut monthly. Shave face every other day.

    Leg and arm hair gets trimmed with hair clippers every 6 weeks or so because it gets long. (Way easier to put sunscreen on if your arm and leg hair is shorter)

    Acne face wash twice a day, vitamins daily, and retinol on face nightly.

    It’s actually all extremely easy and routine now at age 38.

  6. I shave about once a week, though sometimes it goes two or three. It doesn’t grow quickly. I’m 46, and have only recently started getting “sandpaper ” stubble on my chin and jawline by the next morning.

    I get my hair cut about every six weeks. It could use it at four, but it’s getting more and more expensive, like so many other things in life. $15 for decades, and now $30, so it can wait.

    I cut my finger and toe nails about once a week, because they drive me nuts when they get long enough to be past the digit.

  7. One of my grooming habits that changed was I used to be clean shaven all the time, I’d shave every other day. I had a patchy beard anyways so wasn’t worth growing out, but I always had irritation especially on my chin/neck and I tried every trick I could find. Now, I only use a trimmer and always leave stubble because I think it suits me and cause no irritation.

    Daily: shower, brush teeth, wash face

    Weekly: trim my beard, clip my nails

    Biweekly: pubic trimming, eyebrow plucking which I hate doing, but have to because I have some seriously thick eyebrows lol

    Every couple of months I cut my hair, it takes forever to grow and it’s curly so it doesn’t look that long for a while

  8. Shave head twice a week and it’s a whole therapy session for me. Trim neck line of beard has needed and keep the downstairs completely bare so that’s about once a week as well. Recently decided to take more care of my skin as well and about to start getting this beard in check since I think I’ll be sticking with the shaved head the rest of my life. Beyond that I make sure I have a respectable wardrobe that is versatile for many situations. The right clothing in the right situation while being freshly groomed sends my confidence into the stratosphere so hoping that tip helps others as well

  9. Surely you can find a less wasteful way to shave?


    Daily: Brush/Floss, Face Lotion and eye cream at bedtime.

    Every 1-3 days: Shower, shave cheeks/neck and scalp. I use a safety razor and shave soap in the shower.

    Every 2ish weeks: Trim beard/sideburns ,ear/nose hairs and pluck unruly eyebrows. Trim nails.

  10. My grooming habits have been mostly the same through the years. I shave my beard every few days. Same for my armpits / chest / shaft / balls. For my hair, I ask my partner to shorter them once it starts getting into my eyes (curly hair)

  11. Reading all this makes me feel pretty lazy.

    Brush/floss, wash face/beard, moisturize and use sunscreen daily… but other than that wash as needed and trim hair/beard when I look in the mirror and realize I’m looking a bit TOO scruffy. Long hair means not needing hair cuts that often too.

  12. Shit shower shave daily

    Every two weeks I get a haircut. High and Tight have had that cut since August 1995.

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