I’m feeling so behind my peers. I pissed my 20s away chasing women and not advancing my career. I wasn’t taught to advocate for myself until a girlfriend showed me how.

I’m now 36 and only just broke 100k a year in earnings and just bought a home a year ago but I’ve nothing saved for retirement and don’t have a pension.

I have this feeling that I’m going to die in poverty when I’m old. It’s really stressing me out, and I can’t seem to enjoy anything in the present , all I can think about is how fucked I am and I’m angry that I can’t think of a scalable business of my own.

Did anyone else feel like this and turn it around careerwise or happiness wise

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  2. Lol you make $100k and year and own a home, you’re already richer than the vast majority of people on earth.

    You won’t die in poverty, and stop being so damn down on yourself. You have little to “turn around”. Take some time and be grateful of the incredible achievement that you’ve already made. Yeah, you’re not Bill Gates, but you’re doing perfectly fucking fine.

  3. Sounds like you’re doing fine. Start saving into retirement now as you can and try not to worry about where all of your friends and colleagues are at. Comparison is the thief of joy as they say.

  4. Most Americans don’t make $100K a year. Do the max contribution to your 401K and set up a retirement fund and you’ll be great. You were supposed to chase women when you were young, now you will be a decent SO as you mature.
    I’m old and still drowning in student loan debt and taking on seasonal work to supplement. It can always be worse.

  5. I’m 48 and only making $88k. You got me beat by 12 years!
    But I do have 2 pensions in the bank.

  6. Yes and no. I was just getting out of a pretty bad divorce and had a ton of debt. I was on my way to getting my finances and life turned around. Took about 7 years to get out of debt but I did it.

  7. dude – most posts about “have i fucked up my life irreparably” on this sub are people that are coming out of drug addiction and have nothing. sounds like you’re gainfully employed, making decent money, and have a home. be proud my man!

  8. I had a 20 year-plus journalism career going, and it all fell apart this year when I got laid off (I’m 36). Now my career is fucked.

    Does that count?

  9. Jesus these people are either insanely unaware of their privelege or just trolling

    “O M G, I only make 100k a year and own my home, what will I dooooo…😏”

    Bro seriously. 🙄

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