What’s the most you’ve ever spent on an impulse purchase for yourself and what was it?

  1. I know people that have bought designer bags in the $5,000 – $10,000 range but I felt soooo guilty after buying a $300 one…

  2. I just spent my life savings on a brand new car that I put almost no thought into so, that. ~30k. No regrets though I love her

  3. Probably a cruise 🤣 we had just gotten off one and I found one for $500 for two people within driving distance on a week I was gonna have to take off of work regardless

  4. In 2007, I bought a new Scion TC. Just walked into a dealership and picked out one with all the extras on it. My boyfriend had a new Mustang, so we raced them up and down Pacific Coast Hwy. in CA!

  5. I spent $20 on 10 pens. I love stationary and Covid had barely started so I thought to myself, “We’re all going to die anyway” and walked happily with my 10 different colored pens. I’m still using those pens to this day.

  6. Probably my current lease, considering I’m going to buy it when the lease is over. 48k car brand new. It’ll cost me a little over 30k to buy it at the end! No regrets. She’s my favorite car I’ve had thus far, coming from a lower middle class stand point.

  7. I bought a 12-string bass on impulse when I was in my 20s. Cost, I think $700. Sounded great, but in honesty my hands aren’t quite big enough to play it well. I sold it to a friend a while back and he’s making much better use out of it than I did.

  8. Close to $200. I had a pair of tieks shoes in my cart and I just kept looking at them and couldn’t make myself push the buy button. I went out and got drunk and like a bit over a week later they were delivered. I went back and it turns out I bought them when I was drunk best decision ever. Now I have a collection of them

  9. Haven’t done it yet but I think I’m going to spend over $700 on a blender. A vitamix to be exact. I’ve just always wanted one and want to spoil myself.

  10. $1800. It was Jay-Z tickets and it was my rent money which then led me to being evicted and having to move in with my parents. Bad choice but also a life lesson

  11. Telfar Bag. $300. Didn’t even have it for a week before I decided to resell it after realizing I didn’t like it that much.

  12. A couple hundred on a fancy plant– Monstera Thai Constellation.

    A few weeks later, we had a mouse problem and the mice liked to dig in my plants and ruined it. Couldn’t even save it by propagating.

  13. I’m an incredibly impulsive shopper. A few months ago I dropped around $700 on an order of leather purses. Unfortunately I loved them so much that I’ve spent probably $2k since buying more purses and, most lately, leathercraft supplies to make my own bags 💀

  14. My husband told me he’d always wanted a buffalo hide for some reason. I was drunk, love him, and had the funds so I went online and actually found a place in Montana. Bought the biggest one they had, a bull, and it’s been our couch throw ever since. Super comfy! It was around $2k.

  15. Oh boy. I feel like I have a range of impulsiveness. Like the truly purchased on a whim vs the I’ve been thinking about this fuck it I’m doing it style. On a whim? Probably like…$1500 on a clothing item. On the fuck it I’m doing it side…like $25,000 on a horse.

  16. A 30k+ sports car of a side by side…. Right after a new camper for a similar amount. House was paid off and COVID times so…. why not?

  17. About $400, on a fancy ukulele. (I love it and have played it countless times since then)

  18. I one day decided I was going to get my b**bs done then ended up getting new b**bs and lipo but honestly best purchase

  19. It wasn’t one singular item but it was at one specific place. I went to a crystal show on my 20th bday and just bought whatever I wanted without even looking at the prices lol. When I later looked at my spending history it was about $500 which was a lot for me at the time

  20. $450 on Chanel sunglasses for myself and also bought a pair for my mom for Mother’s Day while I was in Paris. She does so much for us and I just graduated so FUCKIT

  21. It’s not impulsive but I’m dropping 8k on new bewbs in the spring. 1000 deposit was paid on Monday. No turning back now. 100% most selfish vain purchase I’ve made ever in my life.

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