Guys: what’s an insecurity girls tend to have that you personally don’t care about/like?

  1. Uneven boob sizes, areola size, boob saggyness, pretty much every boob related insecurity.

  2. Social media pics. I know what you look like in real life. There’s no need to go overboard.🙄

  3. Body image issues. If I’m trying to see them naked, I’m going to be happy to see them naked.

  4. Stretch marks, boob size/shape, I’ve even seen posts on here about butthole color.

    Be serious, ladies.

  5. Anything body related. U will nvr be more insecure than im about my penis. Im just glad to see u naked

  6. The ratio of women who are insecure about stretch marks to men who actually care about stretch marks is astronomical. Also men can have stretch marks too so…

  7. Just about anything you can think of. Ladies, if a man finds you attractive there’s virtually zero that will deter him or convince him that you’re not outside of your personality. Stretch marks, hip dips, bellies, small/large boobs, etc don’t ever cross my mind if you happen to let me see you naked, I’m just happy to be there.

  8. A lady I worked with years ago and briefly dated this past April on our first date mentioned she still lived with her Mom and looked a little embarrassed as she mentioned it, but she was working full time as a nurse with two kids, saving money to get a down payment for a house, which in today’s market is a chunk of change. I said that’s completely fine, she’s doing what she needs to for her and her kids’ future plus grandma gets more time with her grandkids, win/win. She seemed elated I was so understanding, then ghosted me like a month later. Good times.

  9. I didn’t even know what stretch marks were until they were explained to me. I just thought that’s how my (now) wife’s body looked. Never had a problem with them. It’s just some discoloration, who cares? Like, I didn’t even know it was something women *could* be self conscious about until she explained it to me.

  10. My wife is smoking hot. Like legit an 8 on her absolute worst days, and yet she will tell me that she’s just average and mention so many things about herself that she wishes was different. Absolutely mental to me.

  11. Honestly anything.

    Some of the most beautiful women I’ve met in my life were insecure about the craziest things that the average person doesn’t even notice.

    This one woman I knew had an insecurity about her earlobes. She HATED them. I straight up told her I never even thought about them and didn’t think they looked odd at all. She couldn’t see past it. It blew my mind that someone so beautiful could be so insecure.

    So generally speaking, my answer to your question is “anything” lol

  12. scars, stretch marks, most body related stuff

    men who care vehemently about physical appearances aren’t worth being in a relationship with, imo

    just eat semi okay and exercise regularly is all I ask

  13. My wife thinks her “neck has too much skin”

    I’m like…..I’m overweight, I fucking stutter, am bald, I am a 2 and she is a fucking 10.

    It drives me nuts. I tell her when people ask me if we are married lol.

  14. Perhaps literally everything

    I don’t kkow if I’ve ever heard a woman express an insecurity that I didn’t find ridiculous

    Most of them are things no man would ever notice, and if he did notice, he wouldn’t care

  15. Wearing the same piece of clothing within a certain timeframe. Hey girl, that dress is hot. It will always be hot, I don’t care if you wore it last weekend.

  16. Sometimes girls will make self depreciating jokes about having no boobs, but those girls are aways the ones I find the most attractive in the room. I guess I have a thing for petite girls but it goes to show that no matter how your body is built, it may very well be someone’s favorite in any given circumstance.

  17. That I am/will/might cheat on them!

    Never have, not a little bit, never came within shouting distance of a gray area.

    Accusations of cheating are quite hurtful and toxic, as they also come with the fun implications of “I’m a liar” and “I am an inauthentic person” and “I have logistical skills far better than you know I do.”

  18. Height.

    If you are short, then you are cute and effeminate. If you are tall, you have legs that don’t quit.

  19. Eyebrows.

    I honestly couldn’t describe what a single person’s eyebrows actually look like (except for Eugene Levy) but then there’s girls that tattoo them on because they overplucked them (which does look like shit).

  20. Any insecurity. I’m interested in YOU. Whatever you feel you lack or is wrong are parts that makes you, you. And I’m interested in you. Not just the best parts of you.

  21. Aging… wrinkles, grey hair, etc. Aging is natural, please don’t get work done to slow the process… it’s barely ever worth it

  22. Areola and labia being to big, I actually prefer them bigger, I love big puffy nipples and meaty labia.

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