In terms of what cities, towns would one pick to live?
:apologies for the spelling mistake In the title.

  1. Glasgow, purely based on the huge amount of young single people I know who have moved here from every corner of the UK, and apparently liked it enough to make it home.

  2. Really interested to hear opinion after one failed move to Cornwall for myself I’d like to hear your opinions about, where if you had the choice to re-do your life or if you’re thinking about moving what choice would you choose!

  3. This is gonna depend on your interests… Do you like the outdoors, going to the theatre, walking, sailing, dancing. Choose a place that allows you to do what you enjoy

  4. No one is born with skills; what plans or aspirations do you have for gaining skills?

    I’d probably go to Manchester though – economically buoyant and sensibly priced relative to a lot of cities.

  5. Belfast – plenty going on, beautiful countryside/beaches, job prospects, external investment so setting up a business and stuff is good, sometimes comes with sense of humour..

  6. No skills? Google the cheapest parts of the North of England and go and live there. Accept that life isn’t going to be great but some flat roof pubs in the middle of housing estates still do pints for £1.50 to take the edge off it.

  7. Newport. No seriously, hear me out… 😂

    Easy access to M4 for Cardiff – Bridgend way and then to Bristol. Cheaper (albeit climbing) than Cardiff and especially Bristol. Amazing countryside a short while away – the Valleys, Brecons, Forest of Dean, Cotswolds. Train line to London. No tolls on the M4 bridge now. Easy access to West Wales for beaches etc.

    I genuinely think it’s a great option.

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