Like do y’all kick your feet in the air??
Giggle over something that happened with you and them?
Talk to your friends abt them???
Check their following?
What do y’all do 😭

  1. Mention her to my friends and show them some pics. Then drink to try to get rid of false hope and move on.

  2. 1. Are we “connected” to any level? (i.g. same class in school)
    1. yes = add her on instagram
    2. no = next question
    2. Have we talked a few times? (once is not enough)
    1. yes = add her on instagram
    2. no = give up
    3. Have I added her on Instagram?
    1. yes = check if she added me back
    2. no = its over its never going to happen (it wasnt going to happen anyway)
    4. Has she added me back?
    1. yes = yass !!! now i’ll like her photos. never do anything else.
    2. no = its over I’m just a stranger to her, unfollow after some time and move on

  3. Imagine our lives, from meeting, dating, marriage, growing old and dying together. Convince myself that I don’t have a chance in hell, get sad about the imagined rejection, rationalize my feelings away, and move on to the next crush.

    Rinse, repeat.

  4. I definitely turn the funny on a bit extra when I like somebody lol, if I can make her laugh then next is trying to sus out the vibes & break the touch barrier. Then if that goes well, tell her I like/ask her on a date. Whole process can play out anywhere from over the course of like a week to a whole year.

    When she’s not around it’s definitely the usual think about her, maybe check out her socials, talk to my friends about her and/or situations I’ve been in with her so far.

  5. Lately every girl I’ve developed a crush on has a boyfriend so I just force myself to move on lol

  6. I pictured our entire life together and imagined marrying her and thought about how pretty she is and then I did ask her out and we’ve been together for 10 years 🙂 I used to skateboard around campus listening to music at night thinking about her when I was psyching myself up to ask her out

  7. Depends on the crush.

    I’m embarrassed to say this but ill say it anyway.

    For the current one I was daydreaming and tripped in the city, and got injured.

    I also said good night and good morning to her anytime she’s online at those times. I didn’t actually send a message but I say it out loud in private or in my mind to practice in case we do date.

    I also planned dates for her and me. I already promised to take her out for her promotion and told her. I need to hold up that promise I made.

    I also wrote a paper for her.

    I also did a few blog posts for her.

    In the past I also danced for her and told her a song that was important to my childhood. I never did this for anyone else except her.

    For past ones:

    – I’ve told friends about them (one of my best friends slept with her so I stopped telling my friends about them)
    – I bought chocolates (I didn’t even get a thank you so I’m reluctant to buy any until after a date)
    – I wrote a small poem for one (I didn’t get a good response and no it wasn’t perverted but I don’t do poems anymore)
    – I’ve bought gifts (bad idea for a crush)
    – I paid for her cab (bad idea)
    – I bought drinks
    – I listen to them (I still do this but I save it for when we are dating mostly )
    – I walk them home (I still do this but I wait for a date a long walk home gives us alone time together)
    – I answer once I am available and explain delays with honesty
    – I’ve dropped a video game just to spend time with them ignoring the game no matter what
    – I’ve taken them food especially when sick

    I try using the old stuff as well but I try making new memories with the new one so she doesn’t feel I’m reminded of my exs or former crushes. I want to make her feel special and separate from past ones.

    For the current one I’m making her more special than any previous crush or ex. I just don’t want to go overboard, so I’m also waiting on her to make a move as well.

  8. I want to spend more time with them. Also, hoping to meet them more. Like say we “bump” into each other. I’m also more relaxed around them.

  9. Find them on Facebook and jerk off to the best photos I can find of them. Then try to act “cool” around them

  10. Internalize it like a teenage girl *(I’m 25)*, have a panic attack if they reciprocate, and try not to be a nervous wreck on the first date. While I’m aloof at first, it’s when a crush likes me back and me for who I really am and I to them that I fall hard. If you know Pokémon, I am pretty much a Munchlax with ADHD.

    I do in fact kick my feet in the air *(When no one’s around)*, but I chuckle rather than giggle. No I don’t talk about them unless pressed to do so, and even then if it’s peer pressure I’ll clamp up completely. Checking their’ following? Maybe, I’m not one for social media like Insta or Snapcrap.

    Getting ghosted/ignored by a crush burns though. Rejection is more like a pinch, it hurts but only briefly, and lasts about as long as taking a piss.

  11. Get depressed and never mention it to anybody. I can’t even bring myself to talk about this stuff with my therapist.

  12. I feel like I’ve had a crush on the same person so long that it’s just normal for me now, the influx of emotions i feel are incredible but to act on them would be doom, for even if it could happen, it could not work. It.. sucks to be in love in a situation like this .

    I just think about them a lot, and get drawn towards wanting to be with them or talking to them, it’s like being on a drug. Like an invisible tether you can’t fight against

  13. > Giggle over something that happened with you and them?

    Nah, more anxious wondering if she likes me that way. Certainly not giggling.

  14. I have a huge crush on a girl I work with. I don’t talk to people often but I make an effort to speak to her. When speaking to her I’ll smile and sometimes laugh for seemingly no reason. But really I’m just thinking that one she did or said was adorable. Through out the day or even during the very next day I’ll be thinking about something she said or a face she made. Everytime I see her I think about how good looks. I stopped talking to my friends about girls I’m crushing on because that’s how you get your hopes up which is a bad idea.

  15. Most recently I feel like I actually played things by the book for once rather than do jack shit.

    I met this girl at work 3 years ago but she was in a relationship then. Saw her in person about 2 months ago but I wimped out and didn’t talk to her. Hit her up on Teams the next day and the conversation flowed really well. She eventually slid into MY instagram DMs and I asked her out a few days later. We went on a date that went really well, but when I asked her on a second date she said she’s recently out of a serious relationship and wasn’t ready for anything. I just texted her a few hours ago asking if she wanted to go to a concert I have tickets to but she’ll be busy with family. I have no idea where to take things from here….

  16. There is simultaneously no better and yet no worse feeling in the world. I’ll admit, I picture the whole nine yards: cute dates, getting married, having kids, growing old together. God, what I wouldn’t give to just be the best husband and father I can be. But then that nagging doubt sets in: she would never like you the same way. You’re not enough for her.

    One day that doubt will be wrong. But it hasn’t been yet 🙁

  17. Actually, my first response is always, “Oh shit, not again…”

    Then I find a way to talk to her, which somehow negates all of my actual charm and makes me feel like a world-class dork. And just when I think I’m making some progress, the other shoe drops and I either meet her Boyfriend/ Girlfriend and I walk away dejected for 3 weeks before I swear to myself that it will never, ever, ever happen again.

    And then, sometime down the road, I meet another girl, and my first response is, “Oh shit, not again…”

  18. One of two things:

    Take some time to try to figure out the best time and place to express interest while making an effort to hang out with them. And if we think the odds are ok enough, shoot our shot.

    If we expect to get shot down immediately or are too damn nervous to make any kind of approach, we resort to a whole lot of day dreaming and ‘self care’.


  19. I just do it. I like older women and I saw this hot PAWG with a hip to ass ratio that was ridiculous at Publix. I walked up to her, introduced myself, made some chit chat and asked for her number. She told me she had a boyfriend whom she’d been with for 3 years, but told me I made her day so that was nice 🙂. For those who may read this, there are only 2 fears you are born with, the fear of falling and loud noises, everything else is imaginary. Go for it.

  20. I think “oh God, not again”, try to ride out the waves of unfamiliar infatuation and the emotional backlash, then try my best to avoid them while I push the crush down as hard as I can until it stops being a thing. It’s an unfun process and I’m glad I can count the times it’s happened on one hand.

  21. Remember how pointless these things are unless you pursue them and make something out of it or ignore permanently.

  22. >What do men do when they have a crush?

    Get really shy and likely smile more around them.

    >Giggle over something that happened with you and


    >Talk to your friends abt them???

    If we plan on making a move

    >Check their following?

    I don’t know what this means

  23. I entertain hypothetical scenarios in my head about spending time with them. Sometimes, the scenarios are quite imaginative and may involve a totally unrealistic fantasy element.

    When I’m around them, I try to keep my demeanor as neutral as possible, but I tend to be clumsy and fumble around a lot.

    I try hard not to romanticize things about them as it can really warp your perception about someone, but some romanticization will always make it passed the filter.

  24. Stare, imagine just how sweet it would be to put my lips on her, taste that deliciousness, breathe in that heavenly aroma…

    Then I toss her in the car, take her home and devour her. Because that Costco Pumpkin Pie isn’t gonna eat itself.

  25. A lot of daydreaming. To the point I’m just standing there, thinking about them, completely oblivious to my surroundings.
    Needless to say, I’ve gotten a few weird looks with that.

  26. Step 1: Think about her all the time
    Step 2: Never ask her out
    Step 3: Never let anyone know you’re into her
    Step 4: Be sad because she ends up with some other guy
    Step 5: Try to get over her

  27. you have a feeling in your chest. And you keep all those moments where you’re near them or you talked with them close to you

    you also know if you take any action towards it it’ll all fall apart. The worst thing she can say is something horrible you’ll never ever come back from and the best thing is the same

    those small stolen moments are worth a lot more than the negligible chance anything works out

    so you marry someone you like who also likes you and you forego the idea of some amazing romance with someone who makes you happier than you ever thought you could be by just looking in your direction

  28. I’ve a crush on this girl at my uni. I’m socially awkward. But I mustered up all my courage and went to talk to her. I was surprised, I didn’t know I had it in me.

    Quickly got friendzoned. The confidence level is back to square one.

  29. From what my wifes single friends tell me, we send unsolicited dick pics, then get angry and call you a lesbian when you don’t respond .

    Times sure have changed since I was dating.

  30. You have a crush and then… You kind of just do nothing unless you really like them. Then you ask them out. As an introvert I don’t really leave my habita- I mean house or study room often so… Dating is rare.

  31. I imagine our lives together and have a big dumb smile on my face while doing so. When i go to sleep i hug my pillow while imagining it’s her.

  32. First night I met my wife I forgot how to flirt and wouldn’t stop smiling like an idiot then the next few weeks was a lot of texting/thinking/spiraling our life together. Occupied a lot of time and mental capacity. 9 years married today and 3 kids and I still don’t know how to flirt with her and catch myself smiling like an idiot thinking about her. She’s pretty cool. 5⭐️

  33. Jerk off and clear my head. Gotta clear those horny thoughts before making any major decisions.

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