I would like to think I am earnest and hardworking. If the professor allows for lateness, then I will take them up on their offer. If they are strict and punctual, I will pull out my discipline from out of hell to do well in the class. What do they have in common? They all dislike me. It’s usually the women professors.

Here is an example. I notice this one specific professor will make this expression after I talk, like lightly shutting her eyes and reopening them. But with some pressure.

I have a scattered way of speaking. Especially if unprepared. Is it that???? Is it because I use big words and sound annoying the few times that I do speak up?

Anyway, to me, it looks like an expression of annoyance. Its something she does only to me, even when there are some loud and overly outspoken students who literally yell into the mic when answering questions on zoom. Some people never stop talking and yet she doesnt think to make that annoyed expression with them… and trust me I know that she for sure is not wowed by that student because I have had to literally mute my computer whenever they talk because they are being so loud.

I notice this coldness accross the board for so many professors, yet I get along amazingly with my fellow classmates . I try to not be annoying and still somehow get this treatment . In your experience, what kind of student is hated by instructors?

  1. Scattered talking definitely. Get to the point first and elaborate if needed after the main point is made. Think like, pentagon briefing style. If you need to elaborate they’ll ask.

    You might be asking an unrelated question, or a poorly timed one. A lot of people ask questions that will be answered in 2 mins. You should sense when your academic point should have been raised by observing the style of the argument made by the professor. Some professors don’t want to stop a lecture to address a point as they have limited lecture time.

    Allowing for lateness isn’t an invitation to be late, and if you’re walking into class asking a ton of disjointed questions while thinking your vocab is so great it’s throwing off a professor, you’ll get some annoyed looks.

    Your big words will not intimidate a seasoned academic, and it’s weird you’d think that. They’re literally paid to use big words, and have multiple degrees certifying their big words. If this sentiment is rubbing off that would be really annoying.

  2. If you’re getting along with your classmates, DM them and ask their opinions. See if they notice the teacher’s behavior. Or if you’re doing something weird that you didn’t realize.

  3. It’s hard to tell if this is an actual issue or just a your perception problem.
    But in the interest of trying to help, are you asking questions about something that was literally just gone over?
    I’ve been in classes where the professor was would say the cause of y is x. And then some kid would ask what is the cause of y? That gets the slow blink.

    And are you actually using “big words” correctly or just trying to sound impressive?

    Also teachers talk, if you’re late to a lot of classes it looks like you don’t really care. And that’s now your reputation.

  4. Most people in teaching jobs shouldn’t even be in that position. Especially in post secondary institutions. A good amount of them unfortunately lack compassion or emotional maturity to separate their feelings and job fulfillment. I hope that makes sense. I’ve similar experiences before and during puberty :/ so I learned from a young age

    If I were in your class, I would call them out on your behalf for their lack of professionalism and put them on the spot. Instead, I’d suggest speaking to a school organization related to equality, or school counsellor and see if they can help you. If applicable, maybe even get proof, or ask a peer sitting next to you if they caught the off-putting vibe if you want to have validation on it. It could also help if you ask a trusted colleague to give their honest opinion on it. You’d have to approach it in a way where you’ll try your best not to take it personally and take it as a learning/growing opportunity rather than an attack on your character.

  5. It seems to me you’re not self aware. All I read in this message was “they do this…” and “I get this response…”. All I can saw is you’re doing something out of the social norm to get those responses. Recommend you to think hard about them and correct it.

  6. I’m bringing in copies of fraternity x fratpad sketchy sex cam shows and passing them out at this place tomorrow

  7. It could be a coincidence. Perhaps it’s the scattered speaking making it difficult for her to understand, but I doubt many professors would show disdain this openly towards students. It might be worth asking her directly about the quality of your participation and if there are any issues you might not be aware of. Also ask your classmates how the teacher seems to treat you. If they feel the same, it’s likely a problem with the professor, and it may be worth looking into further.

    For the 2nd part of your post, I think instructors don’t like students who are disengaged (scrolling on phone/laptop during lectures), not necessarily the ones that don’t participate, but the ones that don’t listen. Another thing is if they cause disruptions.

  8. Idk, I feel like some of these comments are kind of out of touch. Even if you have a scattered way of talking, who cares? It’s who you are. If she makes weird faces at only you, that’s her problem. She’s being rude. Don’t change yourself to please other people. Stop thinking about it and sooner or later you’ll be done with school. Best wishes, and hang in there OP

  9. As an academic, I can attest that a lot of academics have a hard time following “scattered” communication (even in faculty meetings). I would not take their facial expressions personally.

  10. Just ask her. If you’re too scared to say it directly, just ask if there is something you can do to improvement your participation in class or some indirect way of asking. We can’t tell by what you’re saying it could be anything or just ask classmates if they notice anything you do when you answer that may annoy the prof

  11. Uhmh yeah i know what you mean. Im in film school and this one older man was having lectures there and its very obvious he disliked me. Probably looked wrong to him …or he was pissed of i was accidentally hour late every day. It started at 9 but usually our days start at 10 so i did not know

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