What do you wish you had already accomplished at your current age?

  1. Learning any programming language before I entered university. Literally a whole world of options in Computer Science would have opened up for me.

  2. Having my own place (25), whether rented out or mortgaged. Unfortunately rent is obscenely expensive here, and less than 10% households even earn enough to qualify for the average mortgage.

  3. I wish I’d have bought a house before the market went sicko mode, but I was saving and wanted a nicer place and a bigger down payment so we waited. Now instead of saving for another year I’m waiting for the market to crash.

  4. I wish I had started dedicating myself to writing earlier. I wouldn’t have published my first book any sooner, but It may have been a less rocky process if I had developed my skills better.

  5. I would sure like to be married with a house. Maybe a little garden in the back yard, and a couple cats.

  6. Marriage, owning a home and expecting my first grandchild.

    But it was never going to happen.

  7. Should’ve made the smart decision and went to college after high school. Spent quite some time in ‘normal’ jobs. Made a decent living at a young age $70k @ 21-24.

    But it wasn’t fulfilling what I wanted to do or “my purpose” so I gave it all up. Actually in a month ima make the commitment.

    10 year goal – own private concrete business

  8. Only item on the bucket list is doing a Jujitsu tournament. But, was injured twice preparing, so might have to drop it

  9. A girlfriend. I’ve had a very turbulent young adulthood. Between mental health struggles, a messy family situation, multiple attempts at college, and several health setbacks I always had bigger fish to fry and not enough money to dedicate towards dating. Thankfully, I have a 2-year degree and am living on my own. I packed on a lot of weight, so I’m using my desire to get into the dating pool as motivation to get to a weight and fitness level I am happy with. Also, I have a few chronic medical issues and I do not want obesity to complicate my health situation any further. I refuse to let myself become another obesity statistic.

    A girlfriend and hopefully life partner will come eventually, but I want to show a version of myself that is up to my own standards. It finally feels like I’m within reach of that goal, so I’m going to give it my all.

  10. Wife. Kids. Career. A home. Used to think I’d have all that before I was thirty. Almost thirty five and my life is nothing like I thought it’d be. Bipolar disorder just rips apart anything you build.

  11. I wanted to be making a bit more money than I do now. I’m not far off from the goals I had before I was 30. Granted, life has become a lot more expensive than I originally anticipated.

    Still, can’t complain.

  12. 28 and owning a home. Who would have thought that was the best decision for an unsettled 21 yo. 36 years in a city I hated sounded absurd. Even tho I make double the money now I may be priced out.

  13. Financial security. 52 and still live paycheck to paycheck. No investments, no property, no pensions, nothing. Terrified of what my old age will bring.

  14. 30. I wish I was a homeowner. I’m close, but I’m tired of pissing away money to shitty landlords because I don’t have the option to find one that isn’t.

  15. 1. Being happily married and raising a family
    2. Working at a job specific to my college degree
    3. Making enough money to comfortably move out
    4. Having been in literally any kind of romantic relationship

    Other than that, I’m honestly kind of sort of living my best life. I’m usually focused on what’s good in my life and I can’t complain about most things despite there being plenty of room for improvement.

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