alright let’s get this conversation going
I love my partner and fuck me he is the most delicious cocktail I’ve ever had the pleasure of tasting and looking at, he’s everything I’ve ever dreamt of being in a life long partner.

Im struggling with my body image and trying to figure out how to relish in this man without jumping at touch and insinuating
I’ll also mention I have depression and ADHD and my anti depressants have cursed my drive.
I feel I’ve tried everything, and it’s always fleeting, whenever I get horny if it doesn’t happen in those next moments the whole kink is gone and can’t bear to be touched.
I used to be an absolute wild boar 🐗 and now I’m a meeky 🐭
And I just know it makes my partner feel shit and its damaging our intimacy

What are some spells and tricks that helped you get over this hump?
Or any advice or stories or anytning
I feel horrible

1 comment
  1. I’ll just start with it’s not your fault. You have to have a talk with him. Noting can be fixed unless you’re HONEST. Coming from a man who’s on the other side of something similar, I just wish she would have talked to me. We went out with some friends tonight. On the way to our friends house I finally mustered up the courage (many years from realizing something was wrong) to explain that we needed to talk.. that there was a lot left on the table and a lot unspoken. So much regret on my part for not speaking up earlier.I should have done this 10 years ago, but I was selfish. I never had the balls I guess. I explained that we needed to speak about our intentions, and our DB. Also the way things were headed. I wasn’t the best husband in the past. But in saying that, Just do it, plain and simple. Talk to him.I started that process tonight. And reading your post made me feel proud. So thank you for that. I hope it works out for you. Cheers. AC

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