Hey yall … I just needed to vent & get some advice… I have absolutely nobody else to talk to because it’s pertaining my marriage of 5 years ….

Anyways. My husband and I have been talking about having a threesome or threesomes for years … we’ve talked about it & it was something both of us wanted to do … about 3 weeks ago, the topic was brought up again. My husband told me about his coworker – a girl who only works weekends at his job, but he said she is funny and cool and “she kinda reminds me of you, babe” which didn’t sit well with me … anyways I agreed .. I told him of course, l’ll have to meet this girl and so on of course, if I’m going to be intimate with her . He told me they only talked for a while but next weekend he was going to get her name and actually ask her about having a threesome with him and his wife (me) … The next weekend while he’s at work he’s texting me “I found out her name” and “she said she’s down for the threesome” which I thought WOW! That was fast, I don’t even know what she looks like and I think she’s seen one picture of me from what my husband told me . I’m not too knowledgeable about how threesomes get set up, but l’ve been in 2 before as the third before I was married… I still thought it was kinda weird and fast how she agreed to this. When he got home he told me about all the extremely sexual conversations they’ve had at work & I told him that’s crossing too many boundaries … it was more than that tho. She has a boyfriend, and 2 kids with her boyfriend but she told my husband almost ALL of her boyfriends business – how they were about to be evicted, about how her boyfriend is addicted to pornography and can’t keep a steady job – she told him all this and he told me all that so I asked if he’s shared my personal business as well, and he said of course not – which I believe because he’s always been a very private person. Anyways … this last weekend on Saturday, he took the day off so we could have a “fun, romantic night” but instead of having a romantic night – he confessed to me that the weekend before (the 15th) he actually had sex with this girl on their lunch break …. Lmao of course I was SHOCKED and disgusted …anyways, I’m just so pissed. Like you found out this girls name on the 14th and on the 15th y’all had sex??? That shit really pisses me off – I almost went crazy not gonna lie . As of right now I’m trying to plan a weekend getaway- so what y’all think? Where’s a good place I can go to just relax and not have to think about this ain’t shit nigga and that ho ass bitch ??

Edit:: I appreciate yall fr , but since I know you all are wondering “Why would she stay??” Yall ! I literally JUST started a business , & trying to get it off the ground . For the past 2 years – I’ve been taking care of kids and NOT working because all my energy has been focused into this business and my husband is the one who’s been funding it . I do plan on leaving as soon as I start making real money and can afford to live alone lol but sheesh I just need a getaway right now !

  1. That’s fucked up. Obviously I don’t know anything about you to make a decent suggestion, but maybe a spa to just get away. Race weekend out of town?

  2. Does it just need to be a weekend? Is there somewhere you’ve always wanted to go? To be honest, I’d try and take a week away at least, on his dime. Go somewhere you’ve always wanted to go and don’t tell him where (but let someone know for safety reasons).

  3. That’s so fucked up, he’s trash im sorry you had to go through that. I would choose Hawaii tbh 🤷 maybe Las Vegas if you like the casino & drink

  4. Is there a reason why you’re not leaving him? I mean dude clearly lied to your face multiple times, and I mean…. He cheated on you. Not sure why any self respecting person would stay in that relationship.

  5. Um… you have way bigger problems than where to vacation.

    This sounds like an episode of Jerry springer and I’m not convinced it’s real.

  6. Girl…they been sleeping together, still sleeping together and if I were you, I wouldn’t bump uglies with either of them again. If it’s about the money, make it and keep your emotions in check cause just wow.

  7. This has to be a troll

    Is it normal or am I too out of touch?

    You telling me he didn’t know the girl enough to know her name, but was gonna ask her for a threesome after one more conversation?

    And it’s not like a hot stranger from tinder thst you match with explicitly for hookup, this is his coworker.

  8. He is gaslighting you. He’s been planning this for a while. Tell her boyfriend, separate finances and get tested.

  9. What region are you in? Or do you have the funds to get a flight somewhere? For something like this I would think a city getaway would be ideal because you can fill your time with museums or shows rather than sitting on beach in your own thoughts. Buttttt the beach is my happy place, so maybe having time to process somewhere tropical is what’s needed.. your exit plan is smart and logical. I’m sure comments asking why you’re staying are just because that’s so normal on these kinds of reddit posts

  10. Wow I am going through the same thing and my Husband said the same thing to me as well??? He wanted me to meet her and said, “She likes to read and is quiet like me.” “You should be friends with her” blah blah blahhhhh.

  11. You should go to a family law attorney’s office. I hear the views are beautiful and the people are great. You’ll save bunches of money.

    Make a plan for when you decide to leave. I’m assuming you live on the US – child support and alimony are a thing. You don’t need to stay for him to continue funding your business.

    The last thing you want is to have to share any of that with your soon-to-be ex if it becomes successful.

    Be smart. Worry about a vacation later.

  12. I’d tell him the relationship is now open and DO NOT have sex with him.

    Go out and get your kicks elsewhere and keep him around until you make some money.

    If he doesn’t like it tough, he can leave and will be paying you child support anyway.

    Make him regret being a pig.

    Also, if you know the girls’ names, search her on socials and tell her boyfriend

  13. Are you close to any beaches ? If possible take oubkic transport so you don’t gotta risk any road rage. Or find the nearest semi large city near you & book a room. Go out to art galleries, go out to coffee shops, go see a play?

  14. Turks and Caicos my girl, you’ll love it, and there will be plenty of things to see to distract you, and the men there will love you !

  15. Hi OP, if this true, like Reddit always advice first things first is have yourself checked for STI/ STD and asked your cheating husband to full blown Test for STI/STD. That may sink you to you both the consequences if and when opening a door of your home and marriage/ relationship to a third party.

    If everything is cleared go to a resort that has full body massage spa treatment services to relax your muscles, brightening your skin, facial massage, foot/ hand spa with manicure and pedicure. Then after that make an appointment for hair treatment in a beauty parlor. Don’t get drunk . Enjoy the view, swimming and have a relaxing treat weekend. That’s like having two in one nature relaxing trip with body and mind wellness. Enjoy.

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