I’m in high school and the cafeteria is getting renovated so way more students are eating at the restaurants near campus. Now I usually eat lunch alone 4/5 days and I don’t really have a problem with it, I get to relax a little until my next class and watch a show or scroll social media in peace. The only time I feel awkward and embarrassed is when other people that know me see me eating alone. It’s especially worse when they come up to me saying things like “oh you’re eating alone?” Or make it seem like being by yourself is the worst thing that could happen to you and that you should be ashamed.

This never really happened to me a lot being around random students at lunch, but now that a bunch of people are eating out I get nervous when I see someone I know at a fast food place. It makes me want to leave or avoid eye contact because I feel judged for eating alone. It’s also really awkward for me when the other person will be someone I talk to online every day and they’re eating there with a friend. I feel like I get looked at weird or am fully ignored and I’m just reminded that my friends have closer friends.

How can I not feel awkward for being seen eating alone and should I say hi or anything when I see someone I know eating with their other friend?

  1. It’s tough. We are all social creatures and have a need to be liked and accepted. It helps to remember people are thinking about themselves. We’re all living in our own world. ‘Those that mind don’t matter and those that matter don’t mind.’

  2. This sounds like a story line to an Anime Rom-Com. All jokes aside, here’s how to handle it. Respond with one of the following: 1) “is that so” *continue eating in silence*, or 2) “care to join me?” Nothing to feel awkward about. You do you.

  3. Do you think the strangers you see all alone in fast food places and parks are losers too?

  4. If you see people you know, even if youre only acquainted, I realized it’s not actually that weird to ask to join them for lunch. If you talk to the person almost every day, it’s even less weird. Maybe try that.

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