**i don’t know if this is the correct subreddit for this kind of question. if not please direct me to a better suited one.**

lately i’ve been told that i am very rude and would like to get better. i don’t want to hear “but bad people don’t think they’re bad.” i know something is *very* wrong and i need to fix it

  1. First of all, I know it’s hard to hear that and I applaud you doing digging to find out how to fix it.
    The most important thing is to get more information from the person with the complaint.
    Ask them what you did and how did it come off to them?
    You will find that some people will find everyone rude, but others have a genuine complaint.
    Some things boil down to tone or personality.

  2. Start by implementing these traits within yourself and when interacting with people closest to you.
    Try and listen to others and see how you can help weather that be giving them advice or just listening and validating their thoughts.
    Look at areas within yourself where you can improve on (self concept and image) having a good relationship with yourself will stop you from projecting your worries and feelings on others.
    You should look at other people around you that are nicer and kinder use them as a example or a guide.
    Talk to people closest to you about the things you want to improve on so they can maybe give you advice and help you see yourself better where you might lack.

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