Besides the cauliflower ear lol.

  1. It depends on the situation, I don’t claim to be a tough guy but if someone was harassing my wife or something along those lines, as long as the guy isn’t the size of Brock Lesnar I’ll mess with him.

  2. Tattoos belonging to an organization, whether legal or illegal in origin.

    And very built legs combined with looking light on their feet.

  3. There was incident in a bar when my date bumped into a very large woman who then made it clear she wanted to fight.

    When we got home, my date was mad at me for not stepping in between her and woman.

    I explained that was because I was focused on the big guys she was with.

    One had a special forces tattoo and the other was wearing a big ass Rambo knife. She was still mad at me a year later.

  4. I think messing with anyone is a dangerous thing to do in general. You don’t know what unhinged person you could be dealing with until it’s too late.

  5. LOL I love the couch warriors in here acting like “big guys aren’t tough” or “most big guys can’t fight” as if they could somehow beat a guy who has 50lbs on them just because…haha

    There’s this weird thing that a lot of men seem to project onto guys who are bigger than them “he’s big so he must be a pu$$y” or “he must be slow” lol Ok bud…

    There are weight classes for a reason in fighting/boxing and if all things are equal, the bigger guy will win…I used to train BJJ competitively and box and I promise you that size and strength definitely matter…yes a BJJ black belt who’s 160lbs would beat a 230lb gym rat with zero experience BUT all things equal, if a guy is a lot bigger than you then you’re probably getting f#$ked up and it’s probably not going to be a close fight eighter…If someone can squat 300 lbs and bench 300 lbs and you don’t workout, you’re probably not beating him, unless maybe you get one good, clean shot in early on, which rarely happens unless you’re a trained fighter and you know how to box

    Anyway, this “big guys aren’t tough” narrative is silly…some big guys might not be good at fighting but if you’re not good at fighting either, he’s going to kick the living shit out of you most of the time lol

  6. One feature, cauliflower ear. I’m not saying that proves anything, but you know they do have experience in some form of combat sports. Whether it be wrestling, boxing, or MMA. Not saying it proves the guy can fight, but it usually means they have the training.

  7. Just because someone can lift a lot of weight doesn’t mean they can fight. I know quite a few weight lifters who’ve had their ass kicked by people who actually know how to fight…not throw a worthless slow punch that misses. And they normally gas out quick because their muscles require a lot of oxygen.

  8. I tend to watch for behavior more than appearance, and give a wide berth to anyone who is acting “off” enough to be a risk of attacking first. I may be a black belt, but I’m not stupid. You never know when a stranger on the street might be armed in America

  9. Big muscles.

    If I fight Mike Tyson, I might end up talking like him if he goes easy on me.

  10. If they look like they’ve got nothing to lose. There’s no winning in that fight

  11. Visible, oozing pustules.

    Not only do I not want to mess with him, I don’t want to be within 50 feet of him.

  12. Well as someone whose got wicked boxers knuckle, no cauliflower ears when i probably shouldve, a perfect nose and fought and taught for roughly two decades in muay thai??

    Nothing, im not messing with anyone, the risks are high and the reality of violence means physical traits dont mean much. An absolute pleb can pull a trigger or a switch blade. One fuck up and its all over.

  13. A man with six fingers on his right hand. I know someone already has dibs on a revenge killing, and I will not get in the way of a just quest.

  14. Haven’t seen it yet, but if they look like a tweaker. Scratch marks on their wrists, puncture wounds near their veins, just general tweaking behavior. Those fuckers will stab you for their next fix and dgaf about laws.

  15. I have had a number of fights in the cage or ring over the years. I have trained with many people that also do that. I’m on the lower end of the spectrum as far as skill sets.

    The most dangerous people out there I have met over the years have no distinct indication they are dangerous. I have a good friend that is goofy as fuck looking. 5 foot 8 with glasses..all the things you think someone would have that would be easy to beat up, and he would starch most every other person I know. Period.

    There are no signs. Treat everyone as if they can fuck you up.

  16. As a guy who’s been in dozens of street fights in my younger days, I just avoid fights in general these days. But I don’t think there is a single physical trait that I would say is a no-no for me. The circumstances under which I would have to fight someone would be if I absolutely had no other choice, and in that circumstance, everyone is a target. A street fight isn’t like a sparring match; there are no rules. The best grappler with “cauliflower ears” and all that is meaningless and is only effective in specific situations, which aren’t street fights. Your fear is never the guy in front of you; it is the guy you don’t see coming or a weapon you don’t see coming, not some BJJ move.

  17. Seeing as you ruled out cauliflower ear, I am going with a nose that changes direction multiple times.

    Or if you can see his hands, scarred/fucked up knuckles.

  18. Powder keg personality. I don’t have the time or the inclination to fist fight with insecure dickheads, crackheads or psycho’s, or anyone else for that matter, so if someone strikes me as the type to start an arguement at the slightest provocation or look for offense or disrespect in every interaction, I’ll avoid interacting with them.

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