Hey people, title says it all ,I’m looking for your stories and more importantly your experience on how to tackle this matter.

Tnx 🤌

  1. I imagine it’s the same as when you’re in your mid to late 20s, except with less opportunity to turn it around, and a constant sense of being extremely behind where you should be in life.

  2. I did have a job and purpose before, I was a musician that lost money. Relationship fell apart, and then I got sick. Beat that, learned to drive, got a job at the local convenience store, went to local college for 2 years and my student placement turned into my job, and I eventually got promoted. School? It works just like they say, work hard learn something, go earn some more dollars.

  3. Mid thirties I was living with a friend who annoyed the hell out of me. He was a lazy, bone idle slob. I never really stuck in jobs well. I would either get complacent and make a mistake to get fired or I would hate my job so much I would leave. No real education and not quite smart enough to get a proper education for a career. My only plus was that I had so many different kinds of jobs I had a lot of experience in different fields.

    For myself I got forklift license. It took time to find a job but I have a decent one now. In the last 3 years I moved into my flat on my own, got a car licence and got a car. I’m finally at a place in my life… just to start.

    A lot of people work to get by. Some people do well and get into great jobs and great pay and love their jobs and that’s great but I think the absolute minimum is to find a job you don’t hate. If you have a job you hate it makes life so much worse.
    I honestly don’t know still what to do with myself. People say do something you like or have an interest in but trying to find that can be difficult too. I can only recommend trying to get into some sort of trade like plumber or whatever. Office work I think is so dull and mind numbing unless you are in a proper professional career. Don’t do sales or call centre work.

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