I’ll start by being sorry if the topic is not appropriate.
I struggle with people and making friendships. I have had great friendships until my sophomore year(4 year ago). Since then I just became worse, lost many friends and didn’t make any close relationship. I have all the time at home, no social activities. I struggle with low self esteem and negative thoughts. Most of my life till now, I loved to help people with issues because i’m really good with technology. I barely ask any help. With time start feeling overwhelmed, I’m here for people, but do all my stuffs by my own. I became self centred and not really doing any services to people. Then the call me arrogant which i assume. I’m day long alone at hope with my electronics, which I use for my work and studies. When someone do something for me or really be nice to me, I become emotional, like i did not deserve that.
My problems are poor relationships with people, negative thoughts and low self esteem. I want you to help me work on all that, I’m ready to do my best. Not sure if I provided all necessary details, but ask if you want to know something.

1 comment
  1. well, that is increasingly common in an increasingly individualistic world but its its not a justification to cut off yourself from society as it has mental implications too. but standing somewhere between your self centrism and social interaction would be the most convenient spot, you dont wanna lean either side. so try socializing step by step as immediate exposure make you feel vulnerable and pushing hard against ur will. But dont think to much about it as pack of issues cz possibly one leads to the other, i see it that way. its like a chain you know. over time it keeps stretching further and further resulting in more complications. do it one step at a time ma friend

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