I usually shower before my wife and we both hang our sponges/loofahs over the faucet handle. Every time I shower, I take mine from beneath hers and then put it back beneath hers when I’m done so it’s easier for her to grab.

This morning she showered before I did and I got in and noticed that she’d placed hers below mine to make it easier for me to get to my own.

The rest of my day is going to be great.

  1. I also love those sweet details which show how much you care and know the other one .
    And usually it’s like you said in the small things , for example my wife loves watermelon but it’s not always in season , and when I was coming from work bought one I saw , and took it home .
    She came found it and had a small tear in her eyes really happy with her fruit haha

  2. Those little moments where your spouse considers you without thinking, making small efforts to make your life better, are the very best. Nothing makes me feel more loved 💗

  3. It really is. My husband has gotten into drinking tea lately following some health issues. I hate the stuff. But we have an electric kettle that lives on the counter and I started refilling it for him each day so it’s ready to go when he wants it and saves him just that simple step. He mentioned it after a couple days and how much he appreciated it. He does so much like that, it feels like the very least I can do. We all want to feel valued and cared for!

  4. My wife and I have been doing little things of service like that for each other our entire marriage. It is one of the five love languages, called acts of service. By the way, we have been happily married 51yrs.

  5. You’ve got a keeper there! Be the sweet partner she needs/wants.

    I have lovely husband of 23 years. We met later in life and are very happy and both get along very well with our partners’ children.

    I like to think that my partner’s love language is “toilet paper, parking spaces and lettuce.” Silly sounding I know, but I still work and he is fully retired. He shops, restocks the bathrooms and kitchen and moves his car so I can park easily. Plus he is handsome and makes me so very, very happy.

    I often wish there were more ways to make him happy.

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