I was talking to my classmates, even though they’re stupid, because it’s healthy to talk to anyone in person. They told me I was weird because I liked maths and I justified it with a joke “Mathematics is the only form of masturbation publicly accepted”. It’s true. I sometimes feel REALLY great when I can solve a hard integral, for example. It beats an orgasm.
Anyways, they laughed and then one of the guys shouted across the room “Boys, [my name] masturbates to math!”. Everyone stopped talking and looked at me for what felt like 5 seconds. Then the tension more or less dissipated and people went back to talking, if I remember correctly. The guy who shouted it got together with the other boys and then they called me. I went there (rookie mistake, am I right?) and suddenly I was with my back to the wall trying to avoid the eyes of the people who had formed a semi-circle around me. Everyone started asking sarcastic questions like “What’s the sexiest number?” and shit. I tried to walk away but at this point that group of people had grown a little in quantity. They were like a wall, and wouldn’t let me pass through and go out. After some seconds I was finally able to go away. I’m sort of proud of myself for being able to hold it all in. I never said anything to anyone. On the other hand, I could have thrown a punch at someone to make sure that wouldn’t happen again. I don’t know. It’s ironic this happened on Bullying’s Day. Never don’t usually do stuff like this (except for the sarcastic things, they do make fun of me but it’s in a friendly way, like buddies do to each other.
Well, what do you think of this? Now they keep calling me because they want to hang out with me. I’m thinking of going, otherwise I’d spend another year alone and I don’t want that

  1. Lot going on here.
    My only suggestion is embrace the fact that you love math. If you someone is trying to tease you, they are trying to get you to react a certain way so that they feel powerful. They prob want you you to squirm when teasing you for loving math. Instead, respond with something simple like “math is awesome. You don’t like math???”.

  2. If you’re going to hang out with them You need to learn how to banter with them. That’s how guys communicate. You already know they’re stupid so come up with your best insult and demand some respect

  3. Your joke was kind of a weird thing to say, but mostly what happened is that young people still in school tend to be jerks to each other and pick at anything that makes someone seem different. If they ask you again what the sexiest number is just say 69, I guarantee that will go over well.

  4. When people take the piss out of you like that just joke back, if you try to escape them you gonna look weird and awkward

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