I only really text my friends a couple times a month (the ones I do text which will be the ones I don’t see regularly). When I think to what I have seen on movies or through others it seems like people text others everyday or multiple times a day.

I feel like I don’t really have things to say everyday that would warrant me starting a conversation for. So it will be once or twice a month that I contact them as there is more to catch up on, and then maybe responding to pictures,etc on socials.

I am not sure if this is wrong because I thought it was okay but I am now thinking maybe I should be reaching out more? As an adult we all have a lot going on on a day to day basis and I don’t think the constant texting you see on teen movies is realistic as you get older, but I am also not sure the once a month is enough for a healthy relationship. Perhaps I just think it is healthy because it is a lot more communication than I have had before when I had no friends.

So I guess my question is (and I know this is subjective) – how do I know how to be a good friend and how much communication to put in? I really don’t want to find out years down the line that someone just saw me as an acquaintance because they felt I didn’t put in the effort to grow the friendship, yet I was thinking where we were at was good



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