Bit of context, I have this friend whom I love tons, I really appreciate her. She had a big discussion with a friend of ours. They ended in really bad terms and they don’t talk anymore. So, our friend is going to throw a party which we are all invited but since they had their fight, she’s not going but I really really want to go to se all my other friends. But I don’t know if she’s going to take it in a bad way, like, i’m betraying her or something like that. But I think to myself “it’s just a party, it’s no big deal”. But I know her, and sometimes she takes things a little bit to personal and i’m afraid that can end our friendship. So, is really hard for me to make this decision. Help plsssss 🙏🙏

  1. If he would stop doing stuff to me I wouldn’t be fighting with him he’s actively doing things to me. And constantly trolling me everywhere. I wouldn’t have anything to say to him and I don’t do anything to him I don’t write anything about them if he would just stop doing it to me that wouldn’t be a problem

  2. It’s understandable that you’re caught in a difficult position, wanting to maintain your relationship with both friends. Consider having an open and honest conversation with your friend whom you’re concerned about. Explain your desire to attend the party not as an endorsement of what happened between them but rather as an opportunity to see and reconnect with other friends.

    Ultimately, healthy friendships should allow room for individual choices without forcing loyalty tests.

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