One of my closest friends downloaded Tinder to see what’s out there. She recommended that I download it too because she knows I’d like to be in a relationship and get married one day. I told her that I’m refraining from dating because I dislike the area I’m living in. She said if I found someone they could move with me to where I wanted to go. I told her that’s an unrealistic expectation and it’d be easier if I waited until I moved back home. Currently, the closest I live to any family members is two hours away, which is pretty far in my opinion. I plan to actively look for someone again once I finish my temp job and return to where I’m from. I don’t expect to find someone in the same area code as me, but I have family scattered throughout Western PA. I live in Central PA, and while it’s fine here, I want to get closer to my family and not be the odd one away from everyone. Every time my friend opens Tinder when I’m around her we have this conversation. She’s not mean about it, she just says the same thing every time, and I guess I’m looking for reassurance that I’m not wrong, or maybe someone can provide a better explanation as to why I should reconsider.

  1. If you’ve never had any problems in the past getting dates and dating people who you’re interested in, then I think you’ll be fine waiting until you’re in the city you want to be in. If however, you lack experience dating, meeting people, being in relationships, I think you should put yourself out there a little, letting the people you do date know that you are not looking for a long term thing. Generally people need dating and relationship experience to be find a lifelong partner who is a good match. I’d say, the vast majority of people don’t end up with their first/only bf gf.

  2. In my opinion the only reason’s you should specifically avoid dating is if you are currently on drugs, you are unemployed, or have serious mental health problems.

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