So I’ve been involved with this woman for over a month now. She’s got a VERY high sex drive. I was previously with another woman for five years and she had a very hard time orgasming without help from a vibrator. We only tried a couple of times to make her orgasm without it, but she always just wanted to use the vibrator because it was so easy for her. She said I made her orgasm once with my fingers; might be true, might not be. Either way, I don’t have much experience making somebody orgasm by clitoral stimulation.

This new woman and I had sex a couple of weeks ago, but I had to stop without either of us finishing because I was so overwhelmed; didn’t sleep at all the night before and it was my first time meeting her and she wanted to have sex almost right away. Also, my ex and I had sex three times the night before (me and this girl were nowhere near exclusive at that point and were more talking in a sense of hooking up). I’ve been talking with this girl a lot more now, am feeling more comfortable with her and we’ve both established that we actually have feelings for each other.

I’m truly very excited to meet with her today. I feel good about things, but am still nervous about making sure she’s taken care of during sex as well. She’s completely new to me, so it’s like starting all over again not knowing what she likes. I know I’ll have to communicate with her during, but just would like some basic advice/things to try!

tl;dr: Having sex with a new woman after having been with someone else for five years and I want to make sure she’s taken care of too.

  1. RELAX.

    is probably the advice you need most. You are working yourself up to the point where it’s having a negative effect. Listen to her and pay attention. You’ll be fine.

  2. You’re definitely too much in your head, man. But I can relate. Just take a deep breath, overthinking it is what’s going to kill it for you. Just be yourself and remember that billions of people have sex and that its nothing to over think (within reason)

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