Hi all, need some advice because I’ve been stressing out please.
So I was seeing a guy for a few months but it ended because he only wanted casual (absolutely against anything serious). For five weeks we didn’t talk and I started dating another guy (we haven’t had sex but have done stuff). Now the original guy comes back saying he wouldn’t mind being serious and I found out both these guys have a mutual close friend (they don’t know each other at all, just have a mutual friend). I’m freaking out that the original guy will find out somehow because I still do really like him.

Im going to end it with the new guy because he’s just not giving me what I need in terms of communication/ effort. And I don’t want it to backfire if I continue seeing both as they might tell the mutual friend?!

I’ve been stressing out that the first guy will find out I did stuff with the other even though I know I haven’t done anything wrong.. I was and still am single, even when we was seeing each other he made it very clear it was casual.

Can anyone help me calm my nerves, I’ve been overthinking about this like crazy.

  1. Sooo I’m in the same boat as you as far as talking to two guys who are basically friends but honestly don’t stress you. You originally didn’t know nor intended on talking to his friend. Unless the friend knew you use to talk to his friend then it’s definitely sus on his end and you should stop talking to both of them BUT! If the friend is genuine in talking to you and doesn’t really know or care then go for it but hearing that he’s not giving you what you need end it and go back to the original guy. At the end of the day you honestly didn’t know and it’s not your fault! It’s a small world lol

  2. I wouldn’t even put myself in the situation ro begin with if I dated a guy then moved on to his homie that’s drama waiting to happen or a good way to get cheated on I’d personally say fuck it and leave and not mess them

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