Do cashiers still bag your groceries for you where you live?

  1. Yes. At most HEB’s you’ll get a bagger, usually a teen or special needs person to bag your stuff. Though when it’s busy I’ve never received pushback for jumping in and bagging my own items. I know some people, especially older, feel like they’re owed or that baggers should be employed but when the checker has a mile long line I see no harm in getting my shit bagged and gone.

  2. We hardly have cashiers anymore. Good luck finding one in a Kroger, Meijer typically has maybe 2 at any given time. Self-scan has taken over.

  3. The closest grocery store to me went to entirely self checkout a couple years ago, so it doesn’t even have cashiers anymore.

  4. Absolutely. And I wouldn’t voluntarily shop at any place that didn’t. Fortunately, that’s a non-issue so far. There are four grocery stores in town. All have checkers and baggers. It’s worth noting that a few years ago one of them tried to go to no baggers… Their business went into the shitter overnight. They stopped that shit after like 1 week.

  5. If you use one of the 2 open non-self checkout lanes yes. But most people use self-checkout at Fry’s, and Kroger’s (who owns basically every grocery chain in the country, including Fry’s) keeps installing more and larger self-checkout lanes across their stores and eliminating baggers more and more.

  6. Only at Stater’s but they also charge for bags so I don’t get it bagged anywhere.

  7. Yes. However, there are few cashiers available these days, so I often have to use self-check.

  8. Not for the most part, but we’re kinda antisocial at the store. We actually prefer to go through self-checkout and bag our own stuff. That way, we can put cold, with cold/frozen, crushable things on top, cans/heavy items at the bottom of our bags, etc.

  9. Mostly cashiers but sometimes there are dedicated baggers though that’s getting rarer.

  10. No. I haven’t had someone bag my groceries in years. I think Trader Joes still does, but I haven’t been to one in a while.

  11. Yes and I hate it.

    Meijer switched to this maybe a year ago and it sucks, I wish they’d go back to the customer bagging and use the current baggers to *stock the fucking shelves.*

  12. Sometimes it’s the cashier, sometimes it’s a second person. The second person might have bagging as one of their main roles, but Trader Joe’s doesn’t have specific roles like that, so a staff member who isn’t busy on other tasks might help out bagging.

  13. Cashiers? What are those? Pretty much everywhere in my area is self checkout only. Seems to me I should get a discount for doing more work. It’s rather hard to do self checkout with the groceries of a family of 5.

  14. What’s a cashier? Everything around me is self checkout now as far as I’m concerned. The 1 or 2 lanes with an actual person are always packed with people.

  15. I actually hate it because they mix stuff in the bags

    Like putting dry stuff with frozen stuff

  16. Yes, but not if you use reusable bags. If you bring reusable bags you bag your own stuff, they’ll only bag if it’s in the plastic store bags.

  17. I find a lot of stores, especially out of state that hire the mentally handicapped to do the bagging for you. And being brought up just bagging them myself, they get Really annoyed when I try to do it myself-because that is THEIR job and have no compunctions of telling me that.

  18. At the grocery stores I shop at they do—but it’s hit or miss if there is a separate bagger bagging my groceries from the cashier running the scanner. Sometimes I go and help bag groceries myself, in part to be nice, in part so I can bag things the way I like them. But I always give way to a bagger if one comes along.

  19. I do self-checkout as much as I can, but if I go through the regular checkout, at the two stores I normally go to, either the cashier bags or a second person (a dedicated bagger, like that’s their main role) does.

  20. Yes, but I don’t let them. I bag all my own groceries. They pay no attention and actually suck at it. I haven’t seen a cashier or bagger that does it correctly so I just do it myself and have for years.

  21. The chain I usually go to is employee-owned and doesn’t have any fancy shit like baggers.

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