What’s your reaction when you see a foreigner attending a super bowl game?

  1. We’re a nation of immigrants, so It’s nigh impossible to identify an immigrant by sight.

    I don’t think anything. I don’t think anything of the Super Bowl in general.

  2. I can’t imagine why I would care where they were from.

    If they were somhow obstructing me – at the parking lot, on line for drinks or toilet, standing up and blocking my view – then I’d want them out of the way without regard to origin.

    Then I’d wake up with the realization I can’t afford a trip to the Super Bowl

  3. I wouldn’t know they were a foreigner. I wouldn’t care. Foreigners are more than allowed to enjoy American culture.

  4. Must be nice, tix start at $3k or so I think. As to their immigrant status? We’re a nation of immigrants, the most accepting place for people of different colors and cultures as I’ve seen, there’s are a lot of foreign nationals at big games and events like this, wouldn’t think twice about it.

  5. I don’t know how I’d know that…but if I did I guess my thought would be that they must like football? Cause that game is expensive!!

  6. Nothing if they are offering to take me along.
    Wink. Wink.

    But seriously, nobody would know and nobody cares.

  7. How does one identify a foreigner? I’m friends with people from all 6 inhabited continents. They’re all American.

  8. I have none whatsoever. I don’t care what other people do with their time if it isn’t directly harming anyone, never mind how would I know they are a foreigner by site alone?

  9. How would I know they’re a foreigner?

    I thought we always did the whole American defaultism thing where we think everyone is American.

    And they wouldn’t be the first. Or even the twenty thousandth.

  10. I can’t pick out a foreigner without knowing them unless they tell me. If I could tell someone was foreign, I’d be glad they’re here and enjoying our culture

  11. The answer is the same for this question as it is for almost every other question about our opinions of what others do: #We don’t care.

  12. How would I know if someone is a foreigner or not by looks? The US is the most diverse country

  13. How would I even know that this person I see is a foreigner? Besides the Super Bowl is the game that determines which professional football team is the best in the world, why wouldn’t a foreigner be interested in see that?

  14. I wouldn’t know they were an immigrant from sight at a distance. If we actually chatted I would be like “fuck how did I get enough money for a Super Bowl ticket and how did you?”

    Then I’d just be happy they were enjoying themselves.

  15. I would imagine they like the sport or are trying to get the full American experience. Even if you don’t like sports, I still recommend going to see a professional game at least once. It can be pretty neat seeing the crowd go crazy.

  16. Unless they tell us, most wouldn’t be able to know you’re a foreigner. I can safely say 99% of people wouldn’t care and many will encourage it.

  17. How would we know they’re a foreigner? Are they wearing a Manchester United shirt and looking confused that it’s the wrong kind of football?

    No but seriously, we’re a nation of immigrants from all over the world, we’d have no way of knowing if someone is foreign just by looking at them.

  18. I’ve never been to a Superbowl game, so I’ll pretend the question was about seeing someone on a crowd-shot on TV or something:

    I would have no way of knowing for sure that a person in a crowd is foreign. Even if they were dressed in a very particular way, there’s no guarantee it isn’t an American citizen who just happens to dress that way.

    And, even if somehow the information were onscreen for some reason and verified… who cares? It’s not a private Americans-only event.

  19. How would I know they’re a foreigner? And, as someone else said, why would I care?

  20. Thank you for even *imagining* that I could look at a crowd of 68,000 people, on TV, in a stadium, at night and pick out a “foreigner”. I think my reaction would be… “***I think I have super powers!***” and run around the house screaming.

    Do you think there is some test or birthright requirement to see the Superb Owl? Do you think the crowd is what we’re focused on at the Big Game? Dude, at the last superb owl 68000 people came to see 116 men play a game and about 110 performers at the halftime concert. I doubt anyone cared about any of the other people who came to the show.

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