Ladies, what are your secrets for quick & easy ways to look well put together for work?

  1. Have a selection of good quality clothes that fit well and are in style and decent shape, and that more or less match. I have a set of work tops that go with black pants / skirt, some that go with blue, and a few that go with tan or khaki. That’s it. No one-offs. Makes getting dressed so much easier and reduces the decisions I have to make.

    Hairstyle that requires minimal styling, i.e. no heat treatments / blow drying, straightening, or curling.

    A makeup style that’s quick and easy for everyday. I personally do tinted moisturizer, blush, and lip balm. I might take 2 minutes to fight with eyeliner, but that’s the worst of it – save the intense looks for after work.

    A couple pieces of jewelry that go with everything.

  2. Good skincare routine, actually making sure that you follow through consistently I find really helps. Oh and flyaway serum, shit is gold.

  3. figure out what silhouettes work for you and start playing with colors/patterns/materials from there. try to pick pieces that can be worn with other pieces in your closet, capsule wardrobe style. nail down a quick 10 min makeup routine (for me that is concealer, eyeliner, mascara, powder, blush)

  4. Spray bottle with water. I have weirdly textured hair, thats curlier-wavy on the bottom but straight on the top. Spraying it with a little water and patting it down with my hands helps the bed head.

    Light makeup. a subtle blush, mascara, brow gel, lip liner and gloss. spot conceal if I have a breakout. Takes me 2 minutes.

    Have a good amount of closet basics. Neutral colored work pants, shirts, bodysuits, cardigans, work booties. Monochromatic is always a quick way to look put together.

    Jewelry. especially earrings. They always make you look nicer without really trying.

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