I have been told I have a pretty tight pussy by my above average hubby. If I’m taking large dildos or cocks or cock sleeves too frequently, Will I get stretched out and not be as tight to my husband? How often is too often for large cocks to avoid getting stretched out?

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  2. It is a total myth, you are designed to give birth which is much bigger. I had 1 partner who was way above average and we often had rough sex. My last partner who was average size never once mentioned anything and always said it feels amazing. Just be careful with butt stuff.

  3. It’s a myth. The vagina is essentially a tube of muscle. Using muscle makes it stronger – and many studies have shown that if anything, women who have a lot of sex are tighter.

    I can fist my wife, and she’s back to normal – i.e. work to fit in the first finger – an hour later.

  4. I hadn’t had sex in 2.5 years and when I did again I was so tight my bf could barely get it in at first. Felt like I was losing my virginity again lol. So do I think you’ll stretch out permanently, no. Do I think it will make things loosen up/stretch out easier, yes. Don’t know if that would necessarily effect the way it feels for your partner tho.

    Just do kegals and use your big toys and he probably wouldn’t notice anything.

  5. It’s not only a myth, it’s a patriarchal-as-fuck myth, based on male sexual insecurity, in which the female sexual body is just a passive hole that exists only to be filled by the active masculine, and that is somehow lessened and ruined when other penises use it.

    As others have said: the vagina is a thing, a complex and active set of membranes, muscles, glands, and nervous tissue that moves and changes and adjusts. It “does” as much as a penis does. And thinking that a size-queen whore will be blown-out and loose, is like expecting a champion triathlete to have flabby legs.

  6. If it worked like that, women who have given birth would be left with a hole like a bucket down there, and that obviously doesn’t happen. It’s like expecting someone able to do the splits or those fancy yoga poses to be unable to walk afterwards.

  7. You have nothing to worry about. A pussy after large dildos and cocks goes right back to normal within a day or so. Is a myth that it will permanently stretch.My wife has taken the above average cock and huge dildos for years. Always goes back.
    Over time if you want you can be able to take more without it being uncomfortable but again. It goes back.They are a series of muscles that expand and contract.
    If anything when using larger toys etc. you can actually get more control of those muscles which can actually be a good thing.

  8. If you take a big bite of a cheeseburger does your mouth get stretched out? Nah. You can be 90, you may have wrinkles, but your mouth is gonna be 99% exactly the same in tightness and tone. Same with the vag.

  9. Not sure about large dildos but child birth has definitely done a number on my wife’s pussy. Still good but It’s just never been the same

  10. It’s a muscle. Yes it stretches. But when you use it, it gets strengthened. Just like if you exercise your legs or arms they get stronger. Same with your vagina.

  11. It’s a myth, but keep those muscles strong- vaginal prolapse is relatively common, especially for women that have had multiple vaginal childbirths. It’s essentially when your muscles weaken and your vagina collapses and falls out (do NOT google the images!). 1 in 3 women experience it.

  12. You’ll get stretched out as much as men’s penises get smaller with use! Having sex is just whittling those things away just like how using a pencil makes it smaller over time.

    If you can’t tell, that’s a joke. Vaginas do not get bigger and penises do not get smaller with use. With arousal and a good warm up, you can increase the size of what would still be comfortable insertion. But everything goes back to the same size afterwards (guess what? Penises go back to their original size post erection too!).

    If you want to “feel” more for yourself and for him too, you can practice doing kegel exercises -which will keep your pelvic floor strong and give you some control. Act like you are trying to stop the flow of urine (but not when you are actually urinating). Once you’ve identified this muscle, try holding the contraction for 10 seconds. Rest for 5 seconds. Repeat one set of 10. Then try doing a set of 10 quick holds-where you hold and release quickly. Full contraction, full release, repeat 10 times. One set of each per day. (Don’t do more than this-you can cause hypertone issues). To progress these exercises, start by doing them while seated, when that gets easy, try doing them while standing, next try doing them while performing a squat (do the long hold as you rise in the squat, release at the top, engage at the bottom of the squat etc). Having good control of your pelvic floor isn’t just good for sexual pleasure, it’s also important for keeping the vaginal tissue pliable and elastic (it brings blood flow) and it’s important for urinary health as well get older. If you have pain when doing these, see a doctor or pelvic floor therapist.

  13. A total myth, propagated by toxic dudes who desperately want their wife to have been a virgin before they met them while not holding themself to the same standards

  14. Being tight means you’re not aroused it’s not a good thing. He’s saying it to flatter you – it’s not an actual phenomenon

  15. I think it’s about time we start spreading a counter-myth that men’s penises get smaller every time they have sex because the vagina permanently compresses penis.

  16. Yes, the stretched out thing is a **myth**. Things like hormones can affect how a vagina feels but it doesn’t get loose.

  17. Your vagina will not be permanently “stretched out” by having big things inside it. However, there is a short, temporary stretching for a few hours and it is possible to experience tears if large things are inserted without preparation.

  18. Im sure I’ll get a lot of downvotes for this because it’s goes against the grain, but women who have had kids are almost always looser than those who haven’t in my experience. Also, if you fist a woman a lot it seems to permanently make her a bit looser.

    If you haven’t had kids its not going to stretch out permanently though from regular sex.

    Also, a lot of rough sex will change the physical appearance of the vagina even without making it looser. I tend to go pretty aggressive and I’ve definitely seen a physical change in the pussy of anyone I’ve been sleeping with for a while – assuming they can handle the intensity

  19. Shor term yes, long term no.

    Meaning that if you’re using a large dildo and your husband pushes in immediately after he’ll notice a difference.

    If he pushes in a day later he won’t.

    Women’s vaginas stretch so much the skin tears in childbirth sometimes and they can still have sex after recovery. It’s a remarkably durable body part.

  20. Some women are naturally less tight than others just like some men are less large/larger than others. But frequent sex or “use” does nothing to impact it. If anything you could take a break from the larger dildos or toys and you’ll actually “tighten” back up. The human body is weird af lol

  21. In my experience, short term yes, long term no. If you’re regularly sleeping with someone you’ll ‘adjust’ to them, but take a week off and you’ll go right back to so tight he’ll have a hard time getting it in.

  22. Lol at the people acting like stretching a muscle won’t make it looser. It wont get loose by **normal sized** dildos or penises, but it is possible to loosen with frequent extreme activities.

    Every muscle works the same. If you stretch your leg muscles, they will get more flexible and loose and the more you do it, the more the baseline will be less tight than before u started stretching. U dont stretch a muscle to make it stronger, the equivelent would be weight lifting to make a muscle stronger, not stretching it out.

    This is coming from a woman.

    WhAt AbOuT ChiLdBiRTh!!! Well you only have a baby once every nine months and most women have 2 or 3 at most. It can also be permantly damaged from that.

    17 inch dildos arent natural after all. Nature didnt say, “let me give women unlimited elasticity in their vaginas so they can take a unnaturally large bad dragon dildo 5 days a week and be the exact same as when they were virgins, muscle memory and adaptation be damned!!!”

    And this is not to shame anyone, do you if thats what you’re into. Just be realistic

  23. It’s just like when men think vaginas get stretched out due to a woman’s body count, but not a woman who continuously sleeps with the same person 🤣🤣🤣

    The math ain’t mathing

  24. One of the biggest issues with this question is that it’s actually 2 questions because looseness and flexibility are 2 total different things.

    Think of a female gymnast who can put her feet behind her head but can also wrap her legs around you and knock the wind out of you.

    The tightest woman I’ve ever been with was also the loosest. She was a kegel fanatic and could absolutely crush my cock but was also seriously into fisting. I was with her for 7 years and we did both fisting and regular PIV the entire time, nothing ever changed.

    The other question that comes up a lot is if a woman who has been with a huge cock or other large penetration for years will be satisfied by a regular cock after. If she enjoyed the size, it is unlikely that she will be OK with never being that full ever again. This isn’t a big deal though because there are dozens of ways to satisfy cravings for size.

  25. It’s both a myth and a reality.

    As time goes by, connecting tissue gets less strong.

    However, training your pelvic floor muscles will guarantee that you will be as tight as you want.

    Have fun!

  26. Here’s what I want to know: your anus is muscle, vaginas are muscle. I had to loosen my ass out over weeks of training because it was too tight before to put stuff there and now it’s easy. Why doesn’t that apply to the muscle of the vagina?

  27. myth. your vagina can push out a 8lb human and men think that their penis is going to do something? lol

  28. Guy I knew (big D, not because his shoes are big) told his wife good luck with a stretched out pussy getting a new man. Soooo, maybe 😉

  29. It’s a myth but. Nothing is invincible. If you have a baby, there are certain exercises for it. You can also work out while you have a baby.

  30. I don’t want to be crude. Every lady I have had the privilege of sharing her body in a carnal manner. I have yet to find one that is “loose.” Overly lubricated many times. I am an average sized man. Too much oil based lubes tend to initially reduce sensation. A quick wipe helps
    I can say that one young lady after using a very large sex toy initially remarked “I can bearly feel your cock.” It felt nice and tight for me. But after a few minutes, she was remarking on how good my penis was making her feel, and it led her to have 2 orgasms.

  31. Can we just stop with this thought process?

    Literally built for a baby’s massive noggin to go through but oh no a 9in silicone fake cock is gonna ruin her.

    No. No fact to this at all

  32. My wife has had three kids. And sex with me for 10 plus years.

    Feels as tight and good today as she did in college.

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