I’m 17 senior year of highschool, I had a group of 4 friends and we hungout all the time stayed the night every weekend we would go on random adventures it was great and then out of no where they said they were done with me without reason. I’m a unique person I don’t know how to describe my personality, I’m a pretty social person tho I’ll talk to anyone and I’m cool with a lot of people at school but no one invites me to anything no one asks me to hangout and everyone has their own group. Sometimes I will ask people to hangout they say sure and then never follow up with it. I just want friends people to do stuff with its been 8 months and I’ve hungout 3 times with other people, its my last year of highschool and everyone talks about how fun their years going and I’ve done nothing no memorys I’m not invited to partys it just sucks. How can I just make friends, I’m putting myself in these situations talking to people non stop in class or in the halls ect?

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