Someone I know has been poking fun at me almost every time they see me for the past maybe 5 or so years. This person has never physically harmed me, but definitely goes out of their way to make me feel bad, especially when they are in their group friends, who back them up. I’ve lost potential friends because of this person, because they like to talk about me behind my back so people avoid me.

I want to finally talk to this person, but I don’t want to make them feel like I’m attacking them or putting them at fault and that they should apologize immediately. I just want to know why they’ve been like this to me. How can I do this in the most neutral (but not passive) way possible? What kind of things should I avoid saying?

1 comment
  1. Why are you being nice about it? Address it. If someone disrespected me like this, I’d address it right away and remove myself from that situation. If I lose friends over it, great. They probably weren’t a supportive friend anyway.

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