So my girlfriend (23F) and I (29M) have been together 5 years and are very comfortable with each other. Since we’ve started dating she loves me playing with her breasts and nipple play.
I’m the last year, she’s been enjoying “breast feeding” me.
Almost every night now when we got to bed, she’ll breast feed me for at least 30 min. She’ll caress me head the whole time telling me how much she loves me and “you’re me baby”.
Is there a sexual component to this for you women or is it more a relaxing intimate experience. I personally love it.
Sometimes she’ll stroke me slightly during it or massage my balls but honestly I just enjoy nuzzling her!

  1. Breastfeeding usually does not cause arousal. Moms are exhausted, nipples are sore, they lose sexual aspects due to so much exposure. That said, it can in some cases – and adult breastfeeding/kink play is a whole other thing.

  2. It does, but in a different way. In the maternal way, which is kinda weird but ok since you are both grown ups.

  3. Nipple stimulation causes an oxytocin dump and the uterus to contract. Think of these responses like an erection, nothing more than a physical occurrence. Erections do not have a meaning in and of themselves. In fact, erections in a trauma victim are a sign of traumatic brain injury. Arousal is a different phenomenon. Yes, arousal often triggers those same responses, or occurs in the presence of those responses.

    Most breast feeding moms are exhausted and the contracting uterus isn’t pleasant. It serves the purpose of limiting the bleeding after birth.

    What you’re describing sounds like a power exchange type role of caregiver (Mommy) and little one. Possibly with a lactation kink.

  4. Breastfeeding an actual baby does not *usually* cause arousal. (As mentioned it can and I don’t want to invalidate people’s experiences but it is not common. For the majority of breastfeeding people it does not cause arousal). I enjoy nipple play a lot and breastfed two kids across four years and it never once caused arousal.

    I feel like this is a form of baby roleplay/kink, not breastfeeding.

  5. For me, it did not. Lol I wouldn’t even let me husband touch my boobs my whole breastfeeding journey bc I just couldn’t with the headspace that I was feeding my child. But now that I’m not- free reign 🤗

  6. no. it is painful. the mindset of arousal is 99% of arousal in my opinion and obviously a breastfeeding mother is not in that mindset while feeding her child.

  7. Can’t even lie. Loved when my wife was pregnant and that’s kinda hot that she does that for you. Lucky man

  8. No. It’s exhausting and between the occasional biting, the sore and cracked and sometimes bleeding nipples, and the engorged and inflamed milk ducts, it’s not arousing at all. Even the most golden opportunity with the perfect latch and everything, it’s still not arousing. Anything to do with your child is not arousing. What you’re talking about is a breast feeding kink where she’s getting a large dose of oxytocin like a good cuddle session would give her. It makes her feel closer to you and bonded with you.

  9. I can guarantee you the only women who feel arousal when breastfeeding their babies have pedophilic tendancies or some other deviant tendancies.

    It feels nothing like a partner stimulating the nipples. For one it hurts, the letdown feels like someone has twisted the inside of your boob. The chomping of the baby hurts, skin dries out, gets bruised or bleeds. Engorgement and mastitis are hella painful. Breast pumps feel grim.

  10. No, it’s not a sexual act. Just because one specific woman has this very specific paraphilia doesn’t mean all do.

  11. It did not cause arousal for me, however it might for some. Typically, breastfeeding is coupled with sore/ cracked nipples, postpartum cramping and emotions, lack of sleep, and physical/mental exhaustion. This seems more to do with a kink than actually breastfeeding.

  12. I love “breastfeeding” my husband! Having him lick my nipples and suck my breasts it highly stimulating. In fact, I prefer that more than pussy licking. After I get all wet I get on top of him and ride his ** until I achieve a full body orgasm. It’s easy to get there if he continues playing/soft pinching my huge nipples. By the way, my breasts are average size but highly sensitive to touch ❤️

  13. There were a few times that feeding my child did feel pleasurable. It only happened a few times, and I breastfed for over 8 months. When I noticed it I would usually find a way to distract myself and direct my focus elsewhere.

    So I suppose the answer is it can cause pleasure but not arousal, as I can’t imagine any (sane,healthy) woman actually leaning into that feeling like your gf is leaning into this.

  14. For the women in here who have breastfed, do you still enjoy your partner playing with your breasts and nipples after having breastfed? My wife won’t let me near her nipples anymore and doesn’t even really like me “playing” with her boobs either. VERY frustrating.

  15. Normally I wouldn’t comment on a post with this many comments on it, because what the hell am I gonna add? However, as someone who loves boobs more than probably anyone in this thread, and whose favorite thing in the world is to suck his wives’ boobs, I feel like I have the answer for you.

    The answer, at least to me, is that though there is obviously a sexual component to it (I mean, most people are attracted to boobs), it is largely a bonding/intimacy thing. I think the best way to explain it is that even when I’m not horny at all, I’ll still want to suck, the same way I’d want to cuddle/hug/any non-sexual display of affection. Maybe it has some instinctual thing to do with motherhood, but I feel sucking on breasts is the act that makes me feel closer to my darling than anything else.

    On that note, if you’re asking if women get aroused when they’re breastfeeding their child, the answer is generally going to be no. Besides the fact that it’s kind hard to be aroused when your kid is right there, breastfeeding a baby often has a lot of biting and other unpleasant things that go along with it. It certainly still intimate, loving and bonding with the baby (just like it is with a partner), but that sexual component is just generally not there. Just because it’s the same action, doesn’t mean it has the same feeling. I mean, you don’t get aroused when you shake your dick after peeing, do you?

  16. My sister baby sat my baby for me so I could attend a party bf had to suck out milk to relieve pain still no arousal. I think because sucking for milk is different than a man actively trying to turn you on.

    Your girlfriend just may just like how child like you are when feeding or something in the bonding of it.

  17. There is a post in here about a woman that masturbated during breastfeeding due to the fact it aroused her. Lol

  18. As someone who LOVES nipple play and has actually breast fed my baby, they’re two completely different sensations. With actual breast feeding, the only thing I felt was my baby latch on to my nipple and then from there, I didn’t feel anything—definitely not arousing at all. It was me providing food for a baby with my body. I felt like a cow or something lol Nipple play with an adult is obviously the bees knees but I do not fantasize about breast feeding.

  19. No it is not arousing. Sure, there’s emotional connection and touch, but it’s very different.

  20. I’ve never had babies, but from the replies actually breast feeding doesn’t not cause arousal. I wouldn’t think so.

    Sounds like you have a breastfeeding kink and that my man is perfectly OK as long as you both enjoy it.
    Go for it. Play with it. Get deeper into it. Most of all, communicate with your partner. Keep it safe, sane, and consensual.

  21. It’s not arousal but it is nipple stimulation. So, occasionally, I felt the same sort of chemical reaction but it still wasn’t arousal. It’s hard to explain.

    It doesn’t make you feel horny but maybe connected or relaxed is more what I’m searching for?

    I did use nipple stimulation to help induce labor with my first child and to help my uterus contract and deliver the afterbirth with my second. So the two areas are connected but it’s not always sexual.

  22. Breastfeeding a child does not cause sexual arousal. My husband can’t even kiss me while the baby is latched because those wires do not tolerate being crossed in my brain. This is why a lot of women have issues with sex after having a baby. There’s hormones shifting and whatnot but also there’s mom brain and wife brain. Being tired and stressed makes it difficult to switch off mom brain because while you have littlies being mom is an evolutionary priority.

  23. Relaxation, not arousal. The release of oxytocin helps you bond with your baby. Nothing anywhere near sexual arousal!!!

  24. My wife loves squirting me during sex and I would suck the milk from her breast during sex.

    She loved it.

    So I guess it aroused my wife.

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