I had an almost 2 year long relationship that ended bittersweet/poorly during high school, and I’m about to graduate. I’ve had a couple women appear interested in me but never approach me. Granted I live in a very small town so the sample size is very small. Now that I’m planning for college, I’m beginning to realize I’m quite lonely. Im a tad overweight 5-10 lbs, 5’ 10”, no clue about my face. Do I stand any chance in getting attention/having a relationship in college? I wanna see what anyone else’s experience is.

  1. It’s probably a little easier than it is in High School, but it’s ultimately up to you and what you do there. If you make friends and socialize it’s going to be a lot easier than if you sit in your room and… don’t.

  2. Like every day, horny single college girls in your area looking to fuck.

  3. Depends on the size of your college and the kind of woman you’re attracted too. There are still women who to to school for their MRS degree, and those that have zero interest in men because they are school and career focused. Most fall in between. Out of my clique I’d say 80ish percent of us got married to our partners from school. Those that didn’t had interpersonal issues they refused to address.

    Colleges are good about creating social events and getting freshmen to interact with each other. So find a clique, hit the campus gym, join clubs, find study groups, etc.. And you’ll have plenty of opportunity.

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