I (F21) have had a crush on a guy (M29) in one of my college classes since the beginning of the semester. I didn’t think he was interested, but the other day, he liked me on Facebook dating. I sent him a little wave to see if he would respond. He hasn’t. Today in class, he acted completely normal. Our only interaction was him laughing at a joke I cracked during a group discussion. I’ve come to three possible conclusions. 1) He didn’t recognize me on FB dating at first, and now that he’s realized who I am, he isn’t going to respond. 2) He’s shy and doesn’t know what to say. 3) He hasn’t checked his Facebook and doesn’t even know that I responded.

At this moment, I don’t know if he’s interested, and I’m afraid to risk messaging him or talking in person if he isn’t. Please send help.

1 comment
  1. I don’t know about how facebook dating works but sometimes its weeks before I check my facebook.

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