I take my flask with me everywhere I go. What items can you never leave the house with?

  1. Phone, tissues and inhaler.

    Keys, wallet and epi-pen are very important, but dependent on what I’m doing.

  2. Key, phone and wallet obviously.

    Usually also a small rucksack so that I can store a bottle of water, a jumper and a raincoat/umbrella. Sometimes I put my wallet and keys in there as well so that they don’t dig holes in my jeans pockets.

  3. Nothing.

    Never thought of it before, but I very rarely take anything with me when leaving the house, except a Jacket if that counts.

  4. Phone, wallet, keys, tissues, lip balm. Could lead the wallet if I’m not going to buy anything.

  5. car and house keys, glasses or sunnies, means of payment – cards, phone, payment ring.

  6. >What items can you never leave the house *with*?

    The kitchen sink, the sideboard, the bedroom window … ooh, loads of stuff.

  7. Phone, keys, inhaler.

    If I need it, then my driving licence will be in a random pocket somewhere as well.

    Anything else is pointless to me (other than weather appropriate clothing and shoes obviously)

  8. Phone and keys (have Apple Pay on my phone).

    But I have a toddler so I’m usually leaving the house with everything and the kitchen sink.

  9. I try to go minimal on my lunchtime walks so; House key (just the one key so a seperate set to my house keys), phone, AirPod, inhaler.

    If getting in the car then of course car keys, but also driving licence, debit card and a bit of spare change.

  10. “Where me keys, Where me phone” song plays in my head every time I leave the house.

  11. My basics are always keys, purse, phone, just for going anywhere at all.

    If I’m out locally with the dogs I’ll have leads and poo bags and if I’m on a big walk in the wilds I’ll have a few extras like a pocket first aid kit, a whistle and a personal alarm.

    Apart from that, I travel quite light.

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