I workout twice a day 5x a week, 30mins-1hr in the morning and 2-3 hrs in the afternoon. I mainly do chest, biceps, and boxing. I tried eating proteins and carb potent meals like steak, burritos with a lot of beans, non sugary oatmeals, etc. but im gaining weight when im trying to lose weight.

and before I did that I went on a strict diet where I would only drink water, salads, smoothie and it didn’t do much and I barely had energy whenever I went to the gym and I would gas out in 30mins easily.

is there any advice that you guys have?

  1. Honestly I did high protein meals. I had like 5 meals a day. Drank water and one cup of coffee. And worked out pretty minimally and lost a lot of weight. I think it’s more abt finding what works for you. Like 6 days a week less than a hour most days. 2days a week I did some pretty intense workout and abt 3 months I lost 40 lbs. i can tell you more abt what I did but like I said it’s more abt finding what works for you

  2. First, log your food and see what you are actually eating. Track calories and macros and see where you are. Second, what are your goals from a physical perspective? Lose body fat? Gain strength? You’re doing way too much exercise, so focus it to your goals and cut back.

  3. Lifting weights and eating a ton of protein isn’t the way to lose weight. Neither is starving yourself and eating a diet consisting of meal replacements. The key to losing weight is 70% portion control and nutrients and 30% exercise. Cardio for 30 minutes 5 days a week should suffice if you intersperse some long-ish walks. Frequent, consistent movement is important. As far as diet is concerned, eat smaller meals but more often, maintain a calorie deficit, and mind refined sugar and simple carb intake. Eat a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, and focus on high-protein foods. Things that I eat lots of: fish, peanuts, Greek yoghurt, broccoli, chicken breast, walnuts, Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, beans, couscous, bananas, apples. Im not a scientist but this is how I lost weight during the pandemic and how I’ve kept it off.

  4. Never lose weight unless i run 3x a week 3-5km at a time didnt matter what i ate

  5. Have you ever heard of recovery? Muscle groups need time to recover, buddy.

  6. Your strict diet was too strict. Weight loss is a function of the first law of thermodynamics: eat less than what your body needs and you’ll lose weight. That being said, you only need to undershoot by a few hundred calories. Extreme diets are unsustainable and leave you feeling like shit, plus without enough protein you’ll lose muscle mass alongside fat

  7. Diets are temporary. Eating habits are forever. Find a calorie calculator and loosely track your meals. (People get too fixated on getting it perfect and get burnt out. Just do the best you can to estimate)

    Best pre-workout meal is 2 cups of oatmeal with a chopped up banana mixed in, an hour before working out.

    Your muscle fibers run off both fructose(banana) AND glucose(oatmeal). This will ensure all your muscle fibres are receiving the correct sugars needed to activate.

    Also actually use a workout plan. Chest and biceps, is the brodude workout we all learn in high school, but it’ll lead to muscular imbalance in the future. Especially if you’re doing boxing where most of the active muscle will be from your serratus.

    Source: former trainer

  8. EAT LESS CARBS. Grains bad, legumes good.

    Meat and dark green veggies are your friend. Focus on foods that are hardier and will leave you satisfied for longer. The more your body has to work for its calories, the better. Oh, and don’t snack – give your body time to process foods and exercise. This means spacing out your meals far enough to actually feel hungry before you eat.

    The bigger the change to your body, the longer it will take to get there. Get used to weight fluctuations (I regularly fluctuate 5-7 pounds in both directions, I know that my true weight is usually a few pounds under what I normally weigh), and understand that plateauing for a couple weeks is totally normal.

    And, of course, having thrown out a bunch of generic garbage this important adage is probably what you’re looking for:

    The gym will not help you lose weight, the gym makes you stronger. Your weight loss will occur in the kitchen, ***and only in the kitchen***. If you can keep this mindset, you’ll be fine long-term.

    tl;dr: Gym is not your problem, kitchen is. Eat less, and eat better and you should start continuing to lose weight. Use MyFitnessPal or something like that to log your calories, do it religiously, and you’ll probably get a better idea of why you aren’t losing weight.

  9. I find that fasting and intermittent fasting is amazing. You’ll feel euphoric, you’ll murder and digest malbiotics while probiotics flourish. Its better to eat nothing than 700 cals of beans.

  10. Do some squats and deadlifts and losing weight is as simple as calories in vs calories out. If you’re not tracking you’re not trying

  11. Calories in versus calories out. Do the math and that’s how you lose weight. If your caloric intake for the day after doing the math for food, drinks and exercise is over 2000 you’re gaining weight.

    Your workout regiment seems either unreal or you aren’t getting in an actual workout. I workout once a day 3-5 days per week. You need rest days. You also aren’t doing 2.5-4 hours of proper working out per day. I do roughly 40 minutes and I’m gassed out. If you’re working out for 2-3 hours you’re doing it wrong.

    Here’s my routine. I have my own modest small home gym. Nothing fancy. I’ve lost about 10lbs and am adding it as muscle now.

    Power tower for 15 minutes. It’s almost all upper body except for a couple exercises. I supplement with different ab workouts on a gym mat. 30 minutes or 10km on my exercise bike whichever comes first. Whole thing takes about 40-45 minutes and I’m wiped afterwards. I drink a watered down Gatorade mix during the workout and a protein shake after with milk, frozen berries, protein powder, peanut butter and Greek yogurt. That’s it.

    I still eat garbage food when I want it but generally I try to eat healthy most of the time. I cut out as much sugar as I could and stopped drinking pop. Lots of dried proteins like lentils, beans, chickpeas, etc.

  12. Do something sustainable for YOU long term. With exercise, find something you ENJOY doing. don’t do it just for the sake of an imagined goal. Same with eating, find a healthy way of eating the foods you like. Treat it like, “this is my life now” not just, “until I lose ___ lbs”

  13. You’re probably overtrained currently. Dial it down to once a day, lift for intensity, not volume.

    Proper nutrition is vital; Don’t just focus on getting your protein/carbs/fats in, focus on getting nutrient and mineral rich foods. Avocados and raw pasteurized eggs are a cheat code for that.


    Beans are pretty high in calories, same with tortillas, depending on the kind, so you could be pushing your calories above your maintenance if you eat them regularly.


    Crash dieting will only work short term and do more harm than good, sure you’ll lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks, but you’ll also have burnt off a shit load of muscle, gotten a ton of water retention, and removed very little fat.


    Find your TDEE and remove 500 calories. That’s the perfect amount you need for sustainable fat loss that you’ll KEEP off. (It’d be a pound of fat a week) Any more and you risk muscle catabolism.


    Buy a food scale, makes nutrition super simple.


    Hit your muscle groups 2x a week. Really easy split for this is PPLUL (push, pull, legs, upper, lower.)


    Also, nobody is perfect and probably won’t stick to a perfect diet 100% of the time. Keep yourself from binging by keeping your food ratios at 80% clean food/20% junk food. Makes it easier to stave off cravings if you allow yourself a little bit of ice cream.


    EDIT: Also, don’t fear carbs. Carbs are what you need for fuel, and they keep you satiated for a long time depending on the source. Veggies, Oatmeal, Etc are all great for you and without them you’re not going to have much energy to perform at proper intensity in the gym.

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