My SO F29 and myself M30 are currently doing long distance relationship. We’ve been doing this for a couple months now.

She’s off studying and I’m in a different country working and waiting til she has finished university, which is early next year. When she finishes I’ll be moving over.

So a couple months a go. She told me that she had a deep and meaningful conversation with a guy in her university. About life at the university and how she is struggling. This was the first time she had brought up this guy, which surprised me. At first, I was like cool, I’m glad you made friends over there.

A day later, I hit her up about it and told her how I felt about it and I said to her, those conversations are meant to be between you and me. She responded saying that I wouldn’t under understand what she’s going through, unless you’re in my shoes. so she had to talk to someone about it who in the same situation.

I found out this guy is also married with kids so she thinks that makes it alright, I guess.

As time goes on, she has told me that they both have a great relationship as friends and she is closer to this guy than anyone else on campus. Also, he has offered her to stay at his house with his wifs and kids. Is that weird?

I wanted to see other people’s points of views on this. I’m a constant over thinker and this is playing on my mind about this whole situation.


1 comment
  1. My point of view and it might hurt, stay friends, if she chooses to confide in him and she’s happy, leave it be. Don’t obsess over it, just be as supportive as you can be. If she wants you, she’ll keep you. If it doesn’t work out, learn from this, don’t expect too much from a long distance relationship, its not worth the effort to nurture something that tends to be outside of your control, you specifically need to be there for her if you desire the same connection she experiences.

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