I’m thinking of small tips and tricks that would be easy for your average person to adopt (as opposed to “quit smoking” etc which is obviously not a small ask)

My tip: take a Vitamin D supplement daily… i genuinely feel more upbeat when I am regularly consuming it

Plus points if you give a reason why!

  1. Vitamin D is a good shout

    For me giving up sugary/ fizzy drinks made a huge difference to my general well being. I didn’t even have a habit before giving up but enjoyed them 3 times a week or so till reflux issues made me quit

  2. I think keeping a water bottle around you always is an easy habit to implement, because it makes it easier to remember to drink water.

    So many people talk about drinking plenty of water during school, work and at home, but for me, I’ve always went hours on end without hydrating during the day because I don’t have water right in front of me and I am too lazy to, for example, go downstairs, get a glass, fill it with water and drink from it at that moment. So, I bought a very nice 600ml, metal water bottle (which I conveniently lost less than a month after buying it) that keeps water cold and can be right next to me whenever. It also helps me keep track of how much I am drinking, instead of the vague ‘8 glasses a day’ rule people usually say. Ever since I lost it, I stopped drinking almost any water other than if I pass by the kitchen at night.

  3. It sounds silly or maybe not, but hugging someone is working massively for me right now.

    My whole family are unwell. Hugging my daughter really brings me to tears. Id do anything for her. And hugging my partner and going to bed early to get plenty rest and time together feels awesome too.

    The only good thing when you’re poorly is getting a massage or having a hug feels x1000 better because your body aches so much.

    I recommend a hug and a cup of tea.

  4. I recently started taking vit d gummies and whilst I might feel a little better over all its hard to say..
    What I can say is that my brother in law and wife both came down with this horrible cold/chest bug thing that’s going around.
    BIL has had it for weeks and me and my wife both seemingly started having streaming noses at the same time last Friday afternoon.
    I felt rough until Friday night, Saturday I was fine.
    My wife still has it rough a week later.

    Could just be coincidence, or maybe vit d really does help with your immune system.

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